My road to 100 000 it possible?


Every penny I save in crypto I save for my son. He is 10 years now and I want to have a big amount to help him in life from he is 20 and move from this house.
So can it be possible to get 100 000 USD before that?

Exampel 1

Start amount 10 000
Value up per year 20 %
Rent from celsius 5 %
Total value up 25 % /year
Save every month 10 USD
Play games every monthg and get 10 USD
AFTER 10 years - 102 000 USD

Exampel 2

Start amount 5000 USD
Value up per year 10%
Uniswap fee (23%)
Total 33 %
Save every month 20 USD
Play games every monthg and get 10 USD
AFTER 10 years - 106 000 USD

Exampel 3

Start amount 1 000 USD
Value up per year 42 %
Celsius rate - 5 %
Total 47%
Save every month 20 USD
Play games every monthg and get 20 USD
AFTER 10 years - 103 000 USD

Exampel 4

Start amount 1 000 USD
ALL IN at ETH/DEC pool. That gives about 50 %/year with rewards and maybe some ETH up in value...
Save every month 10 USD
Play games every monthg and get 20 USD
AFTER 10 years - 107 000 USD

I will not tell which of this my saving is like. But I feel that I can reach my goal. Some years will be bear - some bull - but in long term...

Take care

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