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Bitkenstan_64 - For the children.

A story about bitcoin, crypto, blockchain, and life.

Bitkenstan has a running story line.
Earlier episodes can be viewed on the Hive blockchain at @bitkenstan


The Man: (online meeting) Let us begin. Dr. Haufenmist...
Dr. Haufenmist: Sir.
The Man: the machine ready to print paper money?
Dr. Haufenmist: Absolutely. We have huge rolls of paper.
The Man: General Kellimahl, ready for martial law?
Gen. Kellimahl: (smiles and salutes)
The Man: Mr. Dumas...
Mr. Dumas: Yes, sir.
The Man: the TBTF Bank prepared to accept trillions in cash?
Mr. Dumas: Ready to make the sacrifice. In these times of crisis. For the children.
The Man: We will prevail. (all smile)

Originally posted April 5, 2020 at

Official NFTs have arrived to Bitkenstan! It's possible to actually own each episode. View the NFTs at

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Bitkenstan is the webcomic that became the world's first NFTcomic on bitcoin, cryptocurrency, blockchain, and life.

It began with @bitkenstan on Twitter and is now upgrading over to the Hive blockchain. (join Hive)
Visit @bitkenstan on Twitter, @bitkenstan on Hive at @bitkenstan, or learn more and see the playlist at