Bitkenstan_63 - All present.

A story about bitcoin, crypto, blockchain, and life.

Bitkenstan has a running story line.
Earlier episodes can be viewed on the Hive blockchain at @bitkenstan


Mr. Holler: (online meeting) Video conference participants coming online, sir! Dr. Haufenmist.
Dr. Haufenmist: Here.
Mr. Holler: Mr. Dumas of the TBTF Bank.
Mr. Duams: Precisely.
Mr. Holler: General Kellimahl!
Gen. Kellimahl: Present! And ready, sir!
Mr. Holler: All here sir! Elite institutions. Military. Banks.
The Man: Gentlemen. In this time of crisis, we must take steps to protect the status quo. Drastic steps.

Creator: Any ladies in the house?

Originally posted April 2, 2020 at

Official NFTs have arrived to Bitkenstan! It's possible to actually own each episode. View the NFTs at

Want to get started with NFTs for free? gives a simple overview and gives you a free NFT.

Bitkenstan is the webcomic that became the world's first NFTcomic on bitcoin, cryptocurrency, blockchain, and life.

It began with @bitkenstan on Twitter and is now upgrading over to the Hive blockchain. (join Hive)
Visit @bitkenstan on Twitter, @bitkenstan on Hive at @bitkenstan, or learn more and see the playlist at

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