Concurso: Tu experiencia con el Autismo, Lecci贸n de organizaci贸n de Isa铆 馃挋馃挋 Contest: Your experience with Autism, Organization lesson from Isa铆 (Esp - Eng)



Saludos comunidad @mundo.autismo, les deseo un feliz fin de semana y hermosa celebraci贸n azul, tambi茅n les felicito por la hermosa labor que realizan brindando excelente informaci贸n y aportes sobre las personas con TEA, hoy me uno a la fiesta azul y es un placer participar en el Concurso: Tu experiencia con el Autismo

En publicaciones he comentado que tengo un sobrino con diagn贸stico TEA y es un hermoso 谩ngel azul que llena de alegr铆a la vida de sus padres y familiares; en mi lugar de trabajo tuve la oportunidad de conocer al hijo TEA de una compa帽era; es un ni帽o encantador y muy inteligente, le gustan los equipos electr贸nicos y el idioma ingl茅s, a pesar de su corta edad tiene grandes destrezas para manejar estos dispositivos y crear hermosos dise帽os en power point.


Greetings community @mundo.autismo, I wish you a happy weekend and beautiful blue celebration, I also congratulate you for the beautiful work you do providing excellent information and contributions about people with ASD, today I join the blue party and it is a pleasure to participate in the Contest: Your experience with Autism

In publications I have commented that I have a nephew with an ASD diagnosis and he is a beautiful blue angel that fills the lives of his parents and family with joy; in my workplace I had the opportunity to meet the ASD son of a colleague; he is a charming and very intelligent child, he likes electronic equipment and the English language despite his young age he has great skills to handle these devices and create beautiful designs in power point.


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Su sue帽o es ser un you tuber famoso y ya se est谩 preparando para ello, 馃挋 cre贸 una genial presentaci贸n que combina varios colores y su nombre emerge desde el mar azul, luego las letras se esparcen en las nubes para finalmente agruparse, su mam谩 estaba muy feliz y emocionada por la creatividad de su hijo mostrando su creaci贸n, Isa铆 es un ni帽o cari帽oso, cuando realiza sus actividades no acepta interrupciones, es su momento creativo y de concentraci贸n donde las ideas fluyen y las plasma en la tablet o cuaderno de dibujos.

Tambi茅n es muy ordenado y algo que llam贸 mi atenci贸n es lo cuidadoso que es con la ropa, est谩 muy pendiente de no ensuciar la franela y mantener los zapatos limpios, de hecho tiene un pa帽o en su bolso para limpiar los zapatos, durante su visita a la oficina pidi贸 permiso para ocupar una mesa, adem谩s nos dijo que por favor no quer铆a interrupciones porque iba a jugar, sac贸 sus juguetes y arm贸 la ciudad de los autos con legos, al terminar nos mostr贸 la ciudad y explic贸 el por qu茅 de cada auto y elemento presente en esta ciudad, me impresion贸 como detalladamente explicaba el desarrollo de la vida en la ciudad de los autos, cada uno tiene una funci贸n espec铆fica y el alimento es un combustible saludable sin az煤car que les da energ铆a para cumplir con todas las actividades.

His dream is to be a famous you tuber and he is already preparing for it, 馃挋 he created a cool presentation that combines several colors and his name emerges from the blue sea, then the letters spread in the clouds to finally group together, his mom was very happy and excited by the creativity of her son showing his creation, Isa铆 is a loving child, when he does his activities he doesn't accept interruptions, it is his creative and concentration moment where ideas flow and he captures them on the tablet or sketchbook, he is also very tidy and something that caught my attention is how careful he is with his clothes, he is very careful not to get his flannel dirty and to keep his shoes clean, in fact he has a cloth in his bag to clean his shoes, during his visit to the office he asked permission to occupy a table, he also told us that he did not want any interruptions because he was going to play he took out his toys and built the city of cars with legos, when he finished he showed us the city and explained why each car and element present in this city, I was impressed how he explained in detail the development of life in the city of cars, each one has a specific function and the food is a healthy fuel without sugar that gives them energy to fulfill all the activities.


Fuente / Source

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Desde muy peque帽o sus padres lo han llevado a terapias, las cuales han sido de gran ayuda para su desarrollo e interacci贸n, es sociable y conversador tambi茅n muy curioso y hace preguntas que requieren una explicaci贸n concreta y comprensible, este 谩ngel azul es encantador adem谩s ordenado y educado, al recoger los juguetes arregl贸 las sillas en su lugar y agradeci贸 por haberle prestado la mesa, todas en la oficina est谩bamos tan encantadas con este pr铆ncipe que hicimos una peque帽a pausa para observarlo jugar y crear sus grandes historias, al cabo de tres horas se despidi贸 porque deb铆a descansar en casa; ya que en la tarde ir铆a a clases.

Fue una linda experiencia conocer a este simp谩tico y encantador ni帽o, me sorprendi贸 mucho su creatividad y organizaci贸n, nos dio a todas una importante lecci贸n de orden y limpieza ja, ja, basada en las experiencias que nos cont贸 su mam谩, creo firmemente que el diagn贸stico temprano del TEA, las terapias, alimentaci贸n y apoyo familiar son de gran ayuda para el avance de estos 谩ngeles.

From a very young age his parents have taken him to therapies, which have been of great help for his development and interaction. He is sociable and talkative, also very curious and asks questions that require a concrete and understandable explanation. This blue angel is charming, also organized and polite, when he picked up the toys he arranged the chairs in their place and thanked us for having lent him the table. All of us in the office were so delighted with this prince that we took a short break to watch him play and create his great stories. After three hours he He said goodbye because he had to rest at home; Since in the afternoon I would go to classes.

It was a nice experience to meet this friendly and charming child, I was very surprised by his creativity and organization, he gave us all an important lesson in order and cleanliness ha, ha, based on the experiences he gave us. His mother said, I firmly believe that early diagnosis of ASD, therapies, nutrition and family support are of great help for the advancement of these angels.


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