When I lost my father

A life without a father is just like Earth without water. This happened to me. The biggest strategy in my life. When I lost my father.

It was the 25th of December 2021. My baba likes my hands food very much. My mum was in a factory of embroidery. I was an elder son in my home. So after Mum, all responsibilities lie in me. My sister was too young to cook food or anything. My father said to cook biryani. He felt hungry very soon. And he told me to make it quickly.

I was making biryani. And he called me. "Moaz come to me my son."

I lowered the flame and went to him. I said yes baba. Is everything ok? He asks me to sit beside him. I sat down at his feet. He put his hand on my head. And started to love and pray for me. I was surprised by this behavior. Because this was new for me. He was advising me to take care of my mother and my siblings.

I asked him, baba is everything alright? Why are you talking like this?

He said I am seeing Maoz. I will not live more. Everyone has to leave this world. Same as I must. So therefore I am just guiding you. After me, all the responsibilities were on your shoulders. I was listening to him carefully. Also, I was amazed all about this situation. Then I think that he is not feeling well. So just, therefore.

After some emotional talk, he went outside. I begin to cook Biryani. After about 1 hour my biryani was about ready. I put it on low flame. I was waiting for Mum and Baba. When they will come home, we will have dinner.
After waiting sometimes mums came and all of us were waiting for Baba now.

After the wait of 30 minutes, suddenly our door knocks. It is my natural habit or god gift or curse. When some bad is going to happen, my heartbeat becomes so fast. When the door knocks we are thinking that Baba has come.
I opened the door, there was a boy about 15 years old.
Bhai please come fast. Your baba is unconscious on the road. Hurry up.

My mum was also listening to this. She took her dupatta and we ran to the road.
When we arrived there, we were weeping. In 2 minutes we arrived on the road. There we saw that Baba was lying on a table unconditionally. And a crowd was there.
I began to cry and call my baba loudly. My mum tried to wake Baba. She was saying, Sabir wake up. What happened? Somebody call the ambulance 🚑 or a doctor. But it was too late. A doctor nearby came and checked my baby. And he said sorry

He is no more.

It was the most painful and shocking sentence I have heard in my life. My mum also became unconscious after hearing this news. I was alone in that situation. My mind was not working. What should I do there?
Then I picked my mum up and took her home. My neighbors took my father and came home. When we arrived home, my siblings were shocked to see this and they started to cry what is this? This was an unbearable moment and we were not ready for this. After some first aid, my mum was feeling better. But what about my baba?
A crowd was gathered in my home. But still, I was feeling alone. Who will inform our relatives? What should we do now? Is it true or I am dreaming?

Many questions were disturbing me. And my tears were continually blowing.
I was remembering my father's advice. I was thinking about this too early. The father is the main head of any family. We had lost him.
I was sitting on my father's feet. And saying, Baba how can we live without you? 😭 You left us and no more in us. It is an unbelievable moment for me. You will not come back now.

I don't know someone from our neighborhood, informs my grandparents and my uncles. After some time they came. Everyone was crying on a young death. Everyone was couraging my mum and my siblings. But what about me?

Suddenly a hand on my shoulder, and the tears I was trying to control, started. I looked behind, there was my uncle. He hugged me and I started crying.
After some hard moments, I encouraged my siblings. I stopped my mum from crying.

I can't explain that moment in words. What I was feeling. The same feeling is now while writing this blog.

The time when we say last goodbye to our father. We went to bury them, many hands were holding my mum and siblings. When my father was buried, that moment my courage broke down. My mind was stuck and my heart stopped and I became unconscious. After first aid, when I woke up. I realized that now Baba had gone. He will not come back. So I have to take care of my family.

But today I still feel he is missing from my life.
When I felt upset, I went to my baba's grave and spent some time there.

Aah Allah bless all the parents with a long life. An orphan life is not good. No one is yours except your parents, I felt this thing after my father's death.

Note( real strategy of my life. Pics I used in this blog are mine and my father's.)

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