The cure is in the disease! Just seeing this caption, the first thing that came to my mind was I’m not alone!!! So many times we are so carried away by the problem and that makes us think that the solution is so far fetched so we always try to think outside the box when in reality the solution is right in the box! I’ve been in that kind of situation before so I know what it feels like.

As an individual, I had so many flawed memories of me making a good decision when I focus so much on the problem before me. Growing up I was always easily vexed by anything done to me, I always believed that we all know what is right so we should just do it and all not until I fixed my legs in those shoes. I was so so uncomfortable and it was only then I knew how hard it was to do the right thing sometimes.

I became more understanding towards people that find it hard to do some things the way they should be done because I knew it could be me. At first I thought it was impossible changing my attitude of getting angry all the time and that made just believed that it wasn’t me that was the problem, it has to be people but I was wrong! It took me quite some time to realize that though.

Something happened between a lady and myself and the lady wasn’t so nice because she brought out a part of me that I felt so disgusted to see. For the first time in my life, I insulted someone way older than me, ahh!!! I was shocked and at that moment it was as if my world was paused and I had to just reminisce on what had just happened even while at the heat of a conversation.

I comforted myself by saying it was the lady’s fault because she was the one that pushed me but the truth is I did something wrong. Yes I was angry but then that wasn’t just enough reason for me to insult someone not to mention someone who was old enough to be my mother.

I felt remorseful almost immediately and at that point I knew I had been wasting my time trying to argue with that lady because the argument was something I could have easily avoided but I didn’t. And that made me learn the hard way but I’m glad that I never repeated that act again. I also got to realize that I was the problem most of the time and that has been part of the reason why I decided to work on myself.

I’m still not where I want to be but then I know those who knew me then if they get to see me now they will know that quite a lot of things have changed and most of them are good. That situation is one of those situations that taught me that the cure is in the disease as I was able to examine myself and tell myself the truth which wasn’t so easy for me. The funny part was that others have told me about my attitude but I was just there thinking they were being judgmental but the moment I gave myself a little look inward, the solution was just right there before my very eyes all along.

I learnt and I kept getting better by every passing day because I became more intentional of always looking within than focusing more on what is without. My life now makes more meaning to me because my goal gets clearer the more I know myself. Accepting the truth still hurts every single time but I’m always open to hearing it because in those truths lies my breakthrough.

This is my submission for the Dreem WOTW and it’s a pleasure having you stop by to read through ❤️.

All the images used are mine

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