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Quarantine Day 5

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The doctor phoned today to check on the progress of her patients. The good thing is she is a family friend being a neighbor across the road at the last house we rented. I was able to quiz her on where we were and what was supposed to happen next. A bit embarrassing as she told me in no uncertain terms where we were.

Here is ignorant me thinking the worst is over and we are on the home straight. Not at all apparently as the peak should be Tuesday/Wednesday next week where the headaches will be more severe with along with fatigue. Vomiting hasn't eased up either so it does kind of run you into the ground weakening you as each day passes. Breathing issues can occur, but not necessarily so that we have to wait and see if that deteriorates any further. This is a bit like being a lab rat not knowing what is going to happen next.

This is not a walk in the park like many have stated on social media and it is real. I can see why it took out the elderly and the weak as this is how this thing works. I am one to always make up my own mind on these types of matters as putting your head in the sand saying it is a hoax is rather like walking through life with blinkers on. I don't feel sorry for them as only when something happens to them they then say "you should have warned us." Look at America today as you cannot win no matter what decision is made. Close the place down or open it up is going to have naysayers on any decision that is made as it is just how opposition parties work. Instead of fighting as one they divide and just make things worse.

Saying that our economy opens up again from Tuesday after 5 months of lock down. Restaurants,bars,gyms have the green light, but no international travel right now. The damage has been done though and I am wondering how many restaurants will open up this week or are closed forever. I expect to see at least 25% of the businesses disappear as these poor souls have nothing left and no help from the government. i think everyone is now starting to count the costs and to see what they have left.

The Government will no doubt spin this somehow as this is when the unemployment will sky rocket. I must admit I am happy even though I have another 7 days of quarantine once we are opened up. I can still do plenty of business from home though as it would not be right for me to go and visit clients just yet. I would be a hypocrite just like all the others so I will wait until the following week.

Most of my new clients that haven't been able to order will now be able to so there is plenty of organising to do and setting up new accounts via credit applications. I know these businesses are still financially sound as I have done some homework leaving and ignoring any with question marks. Having someone in the know has really helped and there were some clients I would normally have gone for until I was warned to stay away for now. many may open but their finances are shot to pieces so whether they will still be around in 6 months is another thing entirely.

Our business has taken a small knock but not haven taken one cent out since March it has placed no pressure on the business. We have made less than normal but still it has been ticking over and will be interesting to see what was actually made over the last 5 months. i am hoping there is a decent sized nest egg that can cover us for the next lock down if and when it does occur. I honestly don't believe we are done with this thing just yet and spikes are bound to occur.