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How To Use Ecency Boost for Someone

This week's Ecency Discord Topic is to find a post from somone you like and give it an Ecency Boost, Promote or Tip. I decided I would try and boost someone this week.

Usually when I am deciding to boost a post, I am looking for authors who are producing good content and their post may be under-rewarded. This would then have a good impact and show appreciation for their work on Hive.

This week I decided to boost the post from Hearbeat on Hive because of the great work by Ben on his project with many cleverly thought out giveaways that drive lots of engagement to the community.

As part of his project you can win prizes by curating and supporting other authors on Hive. You can also win prizes by nominating posts you like, so it is a great community project where you can have lots of fun and grow your network and hive tokens too.

As you can see by the size of the post, it takes some time to produce and requires lots of work beforehand to complete. The post is an important part of the community so I like to support it sometimes with an extra Ecency Boost.

How to do an Ecency Boost

The first step when deciding to boost a post is to click the three dots you see here at the end of a post and then select Boost.

The next window will pop up and here you can select how much you would like to boost the post. Boosts cost from 150 to 500 points and this should also be a consideration to the quality of the post because it would also need to be agreed to be boosted by one of the Ecency Curators. This is not a guaranteed thing and maybe some curators might not agree with your boost if the post does not meet some of their standards.

I usually just go for the minimum boosts so that they have a higher chance to be approved and that I can give out more boosts. Sometimes my boosts are not approved, I do not worry about this as I know the Ecency voting power is limited and could be low this day and I can then try to do another boost the next day.

You then get the next window where you need to approve the boost on the blockchain using either Hivesigner or Keychain. I am mostly using Keychain so I click this.

Keychain will then pop up the request that you need to confirm.

You then get the final confirmation if the request was submitted successfully.

After that, you just need to wait to see when it will go through. You would receive a notification message on the recipients post when processed and it could take up to 24 hours. If your request is not successful, you will receive the points back to your account as a refund.

Important things to note with boost requests are to do them within the first 24 hours as early as possible.


Title image created in Canva using an image by JanBaby and clipart used under license with the free version of Canva.

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