Blogging - The Greater Purpose of the Busy Bees! Pollination and Connectivity!


Hello everyone! Zak here from a rainy Cape Town in the deep of winter.

Today I want to highlight and discuss the merits of the Busy Bees, the goal of the Busy Bees and explain some things for new members and others that are interested in this group!

The Busy Bees are an Activity Group that evolved out of a weekly personal progress post, to a family one, to a group one that included friends and people that I onboarded into what it is today, HIVE PROGRESS - The Busy Bees 2024🐝🐝🐝 Progress Report Week 29, which is a 84 member strong group of Hivers from all over the world.

The idea of the post is to track their growth in HP and to reward members with smaller accounts to remain active.

In this way, we have helped many Redfish become Minnows and for some Minnows to become Dolphins.

This post was used to keep my onboarded Hive users busy and seeing their growth and now the Busy Bees has evolved again into something bigger and greater!

The Busy Bees Purpose

Ultimately, the Busy Bees must act and behave for the good of the Hive blockchain!

We promote ACTIVITY. This is the lifeblood of Hive. As much as Developers can work on the blockchain and innovate there needs to be users of the blockchain. As much as Whales can throw money into the tokenomics of the blockchain, the rewards pool and all the dapps, games and DEFI that they want, but without adoption by users, there is no money that can be made from those activities.

Therefore, having a group of busy Hive users is healthy for the blockchain!

What do we do? We post and engage. We blog and interact with each other and others.

What do we post? Across our selection of users we post anything and everything. We have people posting about every topic you can think of!

Who do we interact with and upvote? Whatever every user decides to do on their own. While we promote the idea that users engage a bit with one another, the beauty is that there are so many users, blogging about so many topics that not one single person can give their attention to all other members and no single user has the attention of all other members. Nor is it exclusive. There are no members who only upvote and engage with Busy Bees.

Is there a Curation Trail? This is something that we are planning to do, primarily for the purpose of supporting Redfish and Minnows within the Busy Bees. Another possibility here is for dormant/inactive accounts and consumer accounts to be made useful. The intention is to curate manually by human judgment.


Future Plans and Growth

What I have been building up to do has been the "Busy Bee 100" Group. This is made up of Hive users at all levels, part of our group and growing together.

This list of Hive users are meant to be people who blog.

But this is not the only group that will make up the Busy Bees in total!

There are the Sleeping Bees. They are dormant accounts. They can still contribute by putting their account in a supporting role to the curation trail.

The current make-up of the Busy Bee 100 is 4 Orcas, 24 Dolphins, 33 Minnows and 23 Redfish.

At this point, I am happy with the balance and invite Hive users that write blogs from any level to join us. We are 84 now, I want it to be 100 and there are some of the 84 that have been "placeholders" that are inactive and will be added to the Sleeping Bee category. That means that there are more slots open for active users!

We have had people grow and prosper in our group, So what must happen in the future is that the Busy Bee 100 will consist of Minnows and up, when all the Redfish become Minnows at least and many Minnows will become Dolphins and some Dolphins may make it to Orca. Who knows... we might even get a Whale?

Collectively the 84 users are 126% of a Whale. We are a Whale together!

WHEN this happens, the Busy Bees must create a new incubation group for Redfish who want to be active so we can continue to support Hive users on that level.



If YOU are a Hive user who is blogging on a weekly basis and you would like to join us, please leave a comment below. I usually only look at your recent activity to see if you intend to be a Busy Bee.

If you are already a Busy Bee and you see this post then give me a holler! Leave a comment below and cheer on those that might see this and want to know more or who wants to join us!

Have a great day further!


Hive South Africa

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