Gardening: Greens)) Ecency Discord Weekly Posting Topic.

I'm glad I found time to participate in @mypathtofire's Ecency Discord Weekly Posting Topic (#edtopic is my favorite) even though it's a bit late)) I've been a bit busy these days so it's been difficult to find time for Ecency((
Spring has come early this year. I can even say that it came a month earlier. Because I can't remember any April that is hot like this year. Early spring has a positive effect on Gardening. Fruits and vegetables ripen earlier. As much as I wanted to live in the city center when I was young, now I want to live in the countryside. Because there is nothing to compare to eating fruits from the trees and cooking meals from the fresh vegetables cut from your own garden. When you grow something in your garden then no need to think about using sparingly😂😂 For now, I am only cutting greens from our land. They are chives, coriander, radishes, and green onions. I am preparing vitamin-rich salads from them))) Of course, they are not very big yet, but enough for now))

This was little about our Gardening)) Feel free to attend this week's topic there are 2 days until it expires))

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