Tonight I received a $100 HBD tip from @ecency (2023.01.17)

Tonight I received a $100 HBD tip from @ecency for this post. Shortly after the tip, @melinda010100 told me on Discord that the tip is from @good-karma. Witness. The founder of Ecency, Hivesigner, Hivesearcher.

I really cannot find words. This amount is the biggest tip I received on PeakD so far. And it is nearly the half of my monthly pension-like income for my multiple disabilities, which is nowadays approximately $217.97 USD per month.

Depending on the outside temperature, with this amount, we (my brother and me) are able to buy wood for ourselves for around two weeks. So this is a big amount of money from every aspect. We are very grateful and very happy for it.

Thank you so much for this very generous tip.

With this amount, we would also be able to buy a good electric heater, instead of fire wood. But because of the increased prices in the recent past, I currently do not know which would be cheaper. And I still do not know where we will live from spring. But we are constantly trying to find a solution.

As for our financial situation, yesterday I mentioned in this post that I received a 18 692 HUF ($50.70 USD) gift to my PayPal account (hunxplosive). I am happy to write that I successfully withdrew it to my bank account.

Since then also received a PayPal gift from @melinda010100. I have not withdrew that gift to my bank account so far. I will withdraw it later.

We are very grateful and very happy for every Hive/HBD and for every PayPal gift/tip/donation. We will try to put every cent and every dollar into a good use.

As for the $100 HBD, a few minutes ago I transferred $101.62 HBD to savings for now.

I will discuss with the locals which one would be cheaper. The fire wood or an electric heater. Or maybe something else. But maybe they will also not be sure about it, seeing the highly increased prices in the recent past.

Yesterday the postwoman promised a fire wood gift to us in the local Coop (supermarket). Probably she will bring the fire wood to us today or in the next few days.

Currently we have a very small amount of brushwood from the neighbor, and we collected a few fallen branches in the garden. The latter is currently wet, because there was a rain yesterday.

Probably this amount of wood will be enough in the next night. Nowadays the daylight temperature is around 9 °C. Nowadays we are not heating in the daylight. Only in the night. We try to save as much wood (and money) as possible.

And again. We are very grateful and very happy to everyone for every help and for every support. Both online and offline too.

Happy New Year.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

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