Ecency Discord Topic: Beef Paulo Restaurants

This is my entry for Ecency Discord Topic: Eating Out by @mypathtofire

Photo by ready made:
Little Information About Eating Out:
A wonderful approach to try new foods and cuisines is to eat out. whether I'm with friends, family, it may also be a fun and social pastime. When it comes to dining out, there are countless options, so I'm likely to discover something I like.
A wonderful way to have a fantastic meal and spend time with the people I care about is to eat out.

Where do you like to eat out in the summertime?

Source Taken From Google image:

Beef Pulao With Lassi
I frequently eat at Bannu Beet Pulao Restaurant because it serves delicious food and serves Pakistani dishes, and because it has sizable outdoor dining areas decorated in a traditional manner. I frequently go there with my second cousins, and we go at night because that is the only time we are all free to go somewhere. We always order Beef Pulao and Cold Drinks and Lassi.
What is Beef Pulao?:
In Pakistan, beef pulao is a well-liked rice dish. Beef, veggies, spices, and basmati rice are used in its preparation. Typically, the beef is cooked in a yoghurt marinade before being combined with the rice, herbs, and veggies.
Why do you like to go there?
Because I always go to bannu beef pulao & sweets bar, the first two things I look for are proximity to our neighbourhoods, ease of access, and the availability of outdoor seating at reasonable costs.

The Prices List Below in Rs or Dollars:
Special Bannu beef Pulao: Full/1Kg 900rs/ $3.15
Cold Drink: per Drink 180rs/$1
Lassi: per Glass 100rs/$1

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