Meta AI With Llama | Whatsapp Getting More Interesting

Whatsapp is finally getting more interesting nowadays, I remember some month ago when I got tired of using the popular chatting app and decided to reduce my activities on it while focusing on other things, I don't even bother uploading status anymore, I only check out group to see the latest informations flying around or I should just scroll through people status just to while away time until yesterday when I was trying to update some apps on playstore and I saw whatsapp update which I did and i noticed a new icon on the chat section and what I saw was really amazing A new meta AI

I knew things will actually change a lot since the introduction of Chatgpt last year, many social app have also integrate the AI into most of their app or social site, first it was X (twitter), then snapchat and now whatsapp. AI is here to make things more interesting and easier, we can interact with it when every we need to check out something instead of making use of google all the time, I try using it to create some amazing images today but those images have a watermark indicating it is made through AI which make sense, I can use it to write stories if I need something to read on, also use it to create some funny stickers or gif images which I can easily use while chatting with someone and the most interesting part for me is the game sections which is really engaging.

People will surely love this new update on whatsapp at least instead of making use of Chatgpt, they can easily use meta AI to get the same task down.

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