Creating my Tip Banner

Creating my Tipping Banner

Whats happening peeps?

It's day 2 of week 3 in the Dreemport Ecency challenge and todays portion was actually easy for me. We had to create a banner to use whenever we tip someone's post on Ecency. It's a feature that can be done if you run aross a post that is to old to be upvoted or you dont have enough to do a boost on it. You can tip them Ecency points directly. It does Hive and HBD as well.

This video is a "speed" video in which I recorded a screencast of me using Gimp, a free and open source photo editor similar to Photoshop.

I pirated (borrowed?) @dreemsteem banner she made so I could make sure I had the correct dimensions of the image. I also used to to compare what I was creating to make sure I got something similar but not the same design.

When I was happy with what I created I removed her image layer from the project and exported the final image. I then ran the images through an app called Metadata Cleaner which is, I think, a Linux only app at the momment. It's available on Flathub so any version of Linux can install it easily. I'm sure there are a plethora of similar apps for you Windows & Mac peeps out there.

The Result

Here is the banner I made in the video. Its pretty generic and anybody is free to use it if you want. No credit to me is necessary.

I also came up with the idea of constantly changing my banner. I'm going to use quotes of generosity in them and will create 2 different ones for my personal use each month.
These will have my face branded on them. So I ask you not to use these.

If anybody needs help in making a banner I first suggest you check out Canva. It's free and fricking awesome and easy to use. So easy this bonehead used it to create the intro and outro for these videos. Lol.
If you still come up with anything hit me up and I will help as much as I can. Just keep in mind I cant make everybodys. My team mates will come first though.

Leading with Generosity

Yesterday I got so flustered with that post that I hit publish without adding the beneficiary. So today I'm going to do it. The beneficiary of 100% of this post goes to someone I think doesnt get hardly any recognition for everything he does. On chain and off chain. He has been there consistently over the last year and half for me personally. Even longer for others. He's no stranger to generosity either. Of all the people on Hive I've talked to most is without a doubt him. I know as soon as you go look at his profile you will think I'm nuts. Since he hasnt posted for 9 months. And even then it was pure 100% shit post.

But the dude is unwaivering in his support for Hive. He's the creator and maintainer of MSPWave and the coming SplinterlandsTV which is already in operaton with a full schedule. He's help tutor countless budding radio/video streamers start and run their own shows on the blockchain including myself. The dude is none other than @r0nd0n.

And he deserves way more than what this post will probably bring him. So please upvote as much as you can, reblog it and share it on the old social media!

Maybe if we tag him enough in other posts he might make some time to actually post something before the end of 2022! Lol.

Full disclosure: @r0nd0n will technicly get 89% since @threespeak will take 11% of this post. So double up your upvotes peeps!

Below is just my standard footer links. If you have seen them then just scroll on down and hit the upvote and reblog buttons. If not then read on!

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Other shows I do:
Loud & Proud on LIVE ONLY!
This is the big weekly live show that we do on Discord. It's hosted by Johnny Gearjammer, thisnewhackergirl (Andi), @nineclaws and myself. Sometimes when Radioman can be there he will be.
The last weekend of the each month we all meet in the #general-voice room to do the show. All audience members are invited to turn on their mics and talk about anything they want. It's kinda like a rave but online, lol.
No topics are too taboo and it's always a very very adult oriented show. So plan on being offended.
It's every Saturday night 8-11pm Eastern
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