The 50/50 balance rule of handling You Money


Hi there everyone on Hive, it's TheRingMaster back again to share some life changing and rather thought-provoking ideas and realizations.

Now judging from the title of my blog, I wanted to share a rule about Money. Yeah, I know you've heard a lot of rules and principles about making money but this particular one isn't really about how to make money but rather they way to spend what you made.

When it comes to how to spend money, there’s one guy very popular guy called Tristan Tate, The Brother of the famous Andrew Tate who has a rather interesting perspective.

I couldn't get a video of the interview where he shared his perspective but I got a YouTube short edit of what he said

He says he spends his money like he’s going to live for another 50 years with half of it, and then the other half, like he will only live for another 50 days. That sounds quite interesting and I personally do agree with the idea behind his perspective.

If you start to think about it, it's very true that we never know how much time we have left on earth, so if you become the kind of person that stores everything you make in the name of future investments, some people might not live long enough to that particular future they plan so they would eventually die living millions of dollars in their account without ever having really enjoyed life.

The idea of Tristan is to enjoy the life now, but still be wise for tomorrow. So basically half of what her earns is spent on the things he loves and enjoys and the other half is invested very well.

It’s basically as if you have one leg in the present and the other in the future. I totally agree with this perspective.

You see the thing is that some people fear over-spending or under-saving for a rainy day. But here's the interesting question, ehat if that rainy day never actually arrives? What if you save all this money and you just never really lived? This is what Tristan Tate meant.

He comments on how to get everything out of the lemon of life. And honestly that makes a lot of sense to me. We never really know how long we have right?

However don't misunderstand this and start spending all your earnings. It is all about striking the right balance in life. Tristan is 50-50 but for me I have twisted it a little bit. That’s why I spend 20% as if I am running out of time and the remaining 80%… well, they are meant for future use. I believe that works best for me.

You shouldn't save all your money and never experience anything in this world while you are still alive. Of course it is important to save some cash for future needs but it is also important to just enjoy the present moment as well.

The question you should ask yourself when saving every single dime you earn is; What if tomorrow never comes?


After spending your entire life saving for something that does not occur, what if this happens? It would be such a letdown!

Yeah, so I am totally into getting the most out of life as I can now. That trip, that fancy dinner, dream car, dream house, treating myself occasionally. However, I’m also thinking about tomorrow and saving some money aside for future use. It is all about finding that sweet spot and perfect balance.

Ultimately though, it’s your own life, your own money and your own choices. Tristan has his thing going on and so do I while you have yours too. And that is fine. If there is nothing objectionable with how you live and you are happy then you are okay in my book.

So here’s to striking that balance between living for today and planning for tomorrow. Because we don’t have enough time to worry about money our entire lives. Let’s make hay while the sun shines guys.

Thanks so much for time spent reading my blog. Hope to get your feedback guys.

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