That One Secret Most Don't Know: Giving Your Best Effort Every Single Day - On Ecency


Hi there everyone, I for this blog I'm going to show you a universal Truth that never fails.

Literally every successful personality uses this knowingly or unknowingly.

If you genuinely try your best all of the time all day everyday, all of the time, it is really impossible to fail in life..

There exists something beyond doubt that I would like to share with you: the power of giving your best effort. Life is never a failure if only you try as hard as it could be possible to always. Why? Because whenever one gives his everything, the universe knows. Call it God, call it destiny, call it anything- but I really believe that when you put in your all, nice things are bound to happen.

A video of motivation, Work Harder than everyone

Let’s break this down for you. Have you ever wanted something so much that it hurts; like a dream job, great relationship or an expensive car? Of course I have. Moreover, sometimes no matter what you do, does not seem enough. But here’s the big idea: if you aren’t getting what you want- then obviously there is something wrong with your attitude.

I don’t want to say that it is easy. Life is difficult and there are always obstacles to overcome. But I am convinced that if you continue to struggle and give all your best, at the end of the day you will reach your goal. This calls for persistence and determination.

Let me put it this way: pretend you were on a mountain climbing expedition. It’s very steep, rugged and feels like one will never get to the top. However, every step taken from then onwards keeps pushing you higher until eventually you get to the peak. Besides, I must admit that the view from above is simply magnificent.

I understand how hard it can be sometimes especially when nothing seems to be working out as planned. However, this is when it matters most; keep moving forward no matter what happens. Because deep down me, if there is one thing that makes sense in regards to life, its only by trying ones level best so that things start fitting into place normally again.

And hey, I’m not only talking about some major things like your desired job or your ideal relationship. I am referring to all aspects of life, either small or big ones. If you put in your best effort whether it is waking up early for work, hitting the gym or just being kind to people good shall come out of it.

Look! I know what you are thinking about? What happens when you give everything and still nothing turns out right? Trust me, I have been there. But here’s the deal: at times, fate has other ideas for us. It is possible that what we think we desire is not actually good for us at all. On occasion though, this may take some time as well as patience to realize this fact.

But this is what I think: just be good at it, keep on working hard and you will arrive where you want to go. It doesn’t happen overnight, or exactly as I pictured it, but I honestly believe that if you persist; you will get there.

Thus, if there are times when things feel stagnant for you, if there are times when achieving your goals seems impossible, then always remember this: forever try thyself out and ultimately ye shall scale up that mountain’s apex. And trust me; the sight from above is breath-taking indeed.

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