Matilda to host Talk Time with Tengo

Hello Hello all Hivians on The Interwebby!

#tengotuesday is tomorrow and that means Talk Time with Tengo ...

Episode 15 can you believe!

So without further ado, let's talk about tomorrow night's Talk Time with Tengo! (Episode 15)

You know the drill, same time, same place. Drop me a comment if you don't know!

Here is a sneak preview of what we have in store and what might be given away 😮 I just wanted to thank the show sponsors before I move on!

@ecency - ecency points
@stickupboys - CINE and LGN tokens
@ecoinstant - Archon and DHEDGE tokens
Amazing Drinks & @sirenahippie - FOODIE tokens
LOH & @silversaver888 - LOH tokens
@dreemsteem and @samsmith1971 - DREEM tokens
The list keeps growing, so thank you all.

In the past we also have given away
LEN from @liotes and @ph1102 and @achim03
EDS and XV from @shanibeer the Saturdays Savers Club and @spinvest
HIQS and INK from the wonderful @hiq @hiq.magazine and their EPIC project (The game of HIVE for 2023 @craftink wen booster packs ....)
ALIVE from @flaxz
DREEM from @dreemsteem
GM tokens and GM NFTs from @l337m45732

Have you heard of the @hive-bounty ?

I think there is a bounty on Matilda's head!

So she has said she wants to host the show!

We will explore Bounties on hive which have been resurected.

We will also find about @language-scanner

Both @hive-bounty and @language-scanner are part of HIVE learn & more and we will hear from founders @kvinna @thezyppi and perhaps @schlees

Last but not least we will get the FOMO on ....

Spolier ALERT @craftink will be releasing Booster Packs very soon!

Wen Soon ....

Come join the show to find out.

Scroll down in Ecency Discord to where you see VOICE. You can listen in at #chat-voice and use #event-chat to type comments.

Again the link for Ecency Discord is here
The link to the show is here

If you have a project that you would like showcased or you would like to be a guest on the show, do let us know in the comments below or in discord!

I would like to say a big thank you to @good-karma for letting us host the show in the @ecency discord server.

Grab a drink, bring your party hat and let's chat Tuesday at 7pm UTC!

Thanks for visiting and enjoy the rest of your day!



All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo and lead image created my me in canva.
Ecency divider courtesy of @irisworld
@tengolotodo April 17th 2023


Haste Ye Back!

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