Matilda batters the Ultras to join the Liotes pool in Talk Time with Tengo Ep 13

Hello Hello to all Hivians and potential Liotians

potential Liotians

... yes more of that later ...

but first I will recap what was discussed in Episode 13 of Talk Time with Tengo in the Ecency Discord Voice Chat on April 4th

ttwt ep13 recap.jpg

For the eagle eyed amongst you, you can see the Liotes symbol and planet on that image for the show!

We had a great opening to the show with an Ecency news recap

First up was a discussion about celebrations and Easter traditions due to the topic for this weeks #edtopic from @mypathtofire being ...
Ecency Discord Weekly Posting Topic: CELEBRATING

Update on show sponsors!

We now are getting more and more sponsors (thank you so much for that) who have donated tokens to giveaway over the coming weeks, so please do go visit the following superstars:

  • @stickupboys who have donated LGN and CINE tokens, you can find out more about the StickUpBoys from their link here

  • @silversaver888 on behalf of Ladies of Hive has kindly donated some LOH tokens. She is the founder of LOH and from California, so the timing is hard for her to come on the show, I am trying though!

  • Amazing Drinks is a new community sponsored by Ecency and they have donated some Foodie Tokens. The tag #foodie can be used on food posts to earn more.

  • One of previous featured guests @ecoinstant sent us some ARCHON and DHEDGE. He will be back one show to tell us about his INCOME token, not to mention come and give me some tips on my dcity!

Thank you guys for your support on so many @ecency projects and be sure to check out their links and give them some love.


Don't forget to check out the new ecency community Ecency Support they have a weekly writing contest now from @ecency-star and the latest week has been announced and the prompt is [Writing Contest] A superpower I would like to have

Matilda saw this and said What the fluff, her rolling pin has superpowers already, just ask the Ultras from last night!

Actually for the first part and almost all of the show, Matilda was across the road, and I really mean right across the road at the football watching Raith Rovers play Hamilton Academicals.


That is the view from our bedroom and was the stadium that you parked beside @samsmith1971 @dreemsteem and @penderis. Talking of Dreemie she was having horrendous problems hearing anything other that the coming and goings of people entering chat! Many unsuccessful attempts later Dreemie left, but not without donating some DREEM tokens along with Sam! Thank you ladies they will be given out tomorrow!

@liotes the project created by @ph1102 and @achim03 were introduced and after last weeks encounter I think Zoltan (@ph1102) was quite releaved that Matilda was in the Away Stand sorting out the hooligan Ultras from the other team Hamiltion Academicals. Now we know why she has her rolling pin on her 24/7!


What the fluff is Liotes?

Bam, watch that, 90 seconds and it explains it all better than I can.

So Zoltan and Achim created a project called Liotes in February 2021 and launched on the same day as CUB defi, so it went under the radar.

Who had the last laugh though!

It has a story to it, and Liotes is the planet,that is to be conquered. (If I remember the name Liotes is taken from Greek mythology and mishmashed a wee bit into Liotes).

Essentially there are LENM miner tokens that mine LEN tokens. Once a week there is a mission run, and after a comment I made to them yesterday they decided to run a mission today from my question...

Don't you just love it when things happen as a result of Talk Time with Tengo, remember @shanibeer got a discord server channel created for Saturday Savers, well speaking of discord, Liotes has their discord here and they created a couple of new channels there today!

Back to the mission for today ...

It is actually a question I forgot to ask in the show...

How do you call the inhabitants of Liotes

Click the blue link above to goto the post and answer the question.

Now do you see why I said potential Liotians at the beginning ....

As Martians are to Mars, so Liotians are to Liotes!

Do you know you will get 3 credits if comment an answer on the @liotes mission post? ... and what does that get you?

Well if you were at the show last night you would know, if you weren't well tough titties! That'll teach you to miss it.

Credits put you up the rankings.

Matilda did appear after she sorted out the pool of Ultras just in time to hear Zoltan tell us that exclusively revealed on TTwT there will be a new pool swaphive and LEN coming wen...

She also asked where the shop was that was mentioned on the whitepaper (see below for link) ...

Zoltan explained that this was pre rental days for Splinterlands, so when you could rent cards on Splinterlands they closed the shop!

Ah well, perhaps they can open it up again to rent out THE card of 2023 from THE game of 2023!

Yes it's Matilda and @craftink of course ....

The stuff that nightmares are made of @stresskiller

Wen booster packs... @smooms #sorrynotsorry

I have put all the notable links down below, and if you have other questions do ask in the comments below or on a @liotes post or in their discord




PeakD (Hive) @liotes

📈 EXCHANGE - LEN --> Liotes Energy 📈
Hive-Engine :

📈 EXCHANGE - LENM --> Liotes Energy Mills 📈

📈 LEN - LENM Diesel Pool 📈
TribalDex --> search for LEN:LENM pool


Liotes Whitepaper

Liotes is a great project with owners that care. They care about everyone involved in the project, they answer all comments and questions. And above all they are transparent!

They don't give a flying fluff whether you sell or hodl their tokens, they afterall are yours to do as you wish. They will however explain what they are doing and keep you informed and include you wherever possible.

That was a fun show, and I leart a heap of stuff, I am know I am full of hot air already but this came from another direction!

Finally a big shoutout to the @liotes guys @ph1102 and @achim03 for kindly coming on to Talk Time with Tengo and showcasing their project and of course giving aways some LENS tokens to you the wonderful audience.

Come back anytime guys!

Courtesy of @ph1102 and @achim03 the following Hivians received some LEN .... will they become Liotians I wonder 😎

@samsmith1971 @mypathtofire @melinda010100 @felixxx @mary-me @quekery @seckorama @smooms @nelinoeva @balikis95 @blackman15 @hoosie @kvinna @wongi @stresskiller @memess @stdd @sacra97 @coquicoin @yenmendt

Courtesy of @melinda010100 and @ecency the following Hivians received 50 ecency points

@samsmith1971 @mypathtofire @felixxx @mary-me @ph1102 @achim03 @quekery @seckorama @smooms @nelinoeva @balikis95 @blackman15 @hoosie @kvinna @wongi @stresskiller @memess @stdd @sacra97 @coquicoin @yenmendt

Courtesy of @stickupboys , @silversaver888 @ecoinstant and @amazingdrinks I sent some CINE LGN ARCHON DHEDGE LOH and FOODIE tokens to random members of the audience!


Thanks for participating if you tuned in and thanks for visiting!

Special Thanks to @good-karma for letting us host the show in @ecency discord and finally to Super Eli @coquicoin for helping me out with admin duties!


All images and ramblings are from me the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless indicated otherwise.


Haste Ye Back!

@tengolotodo 5/4/2023

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