My favourite beverage

Hello friends, today is a great day which I will be discussing about a great topic which was created by @beeber, I will be sharing my beverage which I love. Today, my favourite beverage is tea I do take bear sometimes but very rear and I take drinks also but at some point, I was told by some of my food scientist friend not to take some type of drink reason is because of the sugar content present inside..

Ever since then, it has been tea and sometimes coffee.. I love to take tea so much because it give me some taste of refreshment and it makes me energetic when ever I take it...I take tea whenever I like , be it in the sunny time or during the warm period. I really love to take it that taking drinks..

The name of the tea I take is the Cadbury chocolate tea which is blended with a cocoa powder ingredient. It is a 3 in 1 mixture, which means it has milk, sugar and chocolate inside of it.. when ever I want to take it, I do not need to bother myself over getting milk or getting sugar anymore, what I just do is to get some water be it warm or cold, depending on the weather or the time which I want to take it...

It has always been my best beverage and I love it so much.. Cheers to the tea lover๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†

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