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Crazy Sticker Inventory, NEW Sticker Packs, NEW Lapel Pin!

My sticker inventory is too big! 🍆

Get all your convenient, life saving, and nutrient rich Tetrahedroseph merchandise here:

Help me dwindle down this pile by purchasing a Tetrahedroseph stickers!

Be cute and buy on BandCamp!

Be visionary. HBD gladly accepted!

Look at all this inventory!!!

My inventory was bulging out of this yellow organizer envelope.

Time to expand. I found something quick. A silly person was going to toss out this makeup case. Yoink, that will do that trick. Secondary storage acquired.

Warehouses are not cheap. Logistical dynamics can make of break this fragile sticker endeavoarding. (I just invented that word. Combine "sticker endeavor" with the word "hoarding." It's like magic.)

Let's take a close look at some of the items you'll need to quarantine your survival. Click this link below to skip all the details and purchase everything you see there.

Mutation Album Series Stickers

The Mutation series of reggae/ska/dub albums currently has THREE holographic stickers to commemorate each album in the series. These stickers look like a metal plate. The sticker is the album cover blended with neck plate on the back of #TheBrokenYellowGuitar. I hoped it would blend in with reflective or metal surfaces.


This was my first holographic sticker.

It's not red. It changes color in the light.

Various product shoots we conducted...

The album Mutation had a hit single. I created stickers for the single, "Rude Immunity" by hand. I printed the design at FedEx, cut it up, attached it to special sticker paper, and laminated them. DIY, take a look and then we can move on to more torture.

Mutate And Surge

Second album in the Mutation series gets a holographic sticker too.

These holographic stickers combined with images of metal are functional AF!!! Everything inside tastes better now!

Durable. It still hasn't washed off.
Look at these next batch of photos.

"Warm and fuzzy, just like COVID-19 themed album series."

This next image is the one I sent to Sticker Mule for the sticker's production.

Checkout the sticker, in-action!
At first you see it. Now you don't.

Not so new anymore.


Obviously, the third and final album in the Mutation series (besides the instrumental counterparts) Resurgence, also gets featured in a holographic sticker.

All three stickers feature a different album cover blended on top of an image of the neck plate of #TheBrokenYellowGuitar. The combo image was printed on holographic paper, cut, delivered and all that other stuff by Sticker Mule. I have been very happy wil all their services:

TBYG Merch Series

This little series includes stickers, lapel pin, and a magnet. I've created the life saving items to feature the metal parts of TBYG. The image below reveals most of the items you'll... NEED.

I can't get enough. I love these stickers and magnet that blend in with the environment.

Tone Knob Stickers
Adjust the tone of any object by attaching these stickers. The one tone knob on TheBrokenYellowGuitar has been immortalized.

First, I created the QR Code version.

As a sticker, it's fun and groovy.

As a QR code, it's broken.

Too light, too much noise for a QR code reader. I've never seen it work properly. Let me know if the QR code sends you to TBYG's Twitter profile.

All these sticker have been resilient. Stick them on your least favorite tumbler. What do you have to lose? The sticker doesn't wash off. Dishwasher safe, like you and me.

This first sticker was unclear and the QR code failed. So, I made the next one obvious.


The next tone knob sticker to enter our little pay-to-be-played world features the hashtag for TBYG.

These circular tone knob stickers are 3x3 and pack lots of heat.

The sticker's white boarder will help it blend in with any surface. Actually, I wanted it to be boarder less. I like it anyway, but I'll try again next time.

I've use this hashtag image for many things related to TBYG.

This yellow version is not for sale. It's the background from a Spotify playlist cover: Open in new window

I need to update that playlist... so much to do... less time for music.

Neck Plate Sticker

This sticker has rounded corners just like TBYG's real neck plate.

Can you find the real neck plate?

Every water heater needs a TBYG Neck Plate sticker.

Tone Knob Magnet!!!

Adjust the tone of any object by simply attaching this magnet or sticker resembling the tone knob of TheBrokenYellowGuitar.

Customize your tone bro.

This magnet makes everything better. Look what it did for my water heater.




TBYG Lapel Pin

Don't stab people... with this Tetrahedroseph lapel pin!

This is the first pin I have ever created. This pin has the same image as the sticker we see in TBYG magnet.

Rubber backing on the pin helps it stay in place, but I wouldn't trust it.

I have no idea what ya'll do with these pins.

I don't wear jean jackets and I don't collect lapel pins. Cork board is good spot. I used three of them to hold back a curtain in the ghetto. I considered putting one on my baseball cap, but I'm too wiggly and I'm afraid to get stabbed in the temple.

Let me know what you do with this lapel pin. Send me a picture. Tell me how it stabbed you and why you know it's not my fault that you got stabbed. Oh, that reminds me...

Do not try to wear this lapel pin on your testicle.
Do not try to wear this lapel pin on your eyelids.
Do not try to wear this lapel pin on your trouser inseam.
Do not try to wear this lapel pin on your pink tiger print pajama bottoms.
Do not try to wear this lapel pin on your vaccination card.
Do not try to wear this lapel pin on your unvaccinated sperm cells.
Do not try to wear this lapel pin on your illusions of freedom or security.

Stay safe.

Have Fun

I hope you enjoy "pissing" on objects with the use of my stickers. Be polite. Don't be afraid to us the magnet to prevent damage to a surface you don't own. Afraid to lose your cool magnet? FEAR NOT! Send me a picture of the magnet you've donated and I'll send you a new one.

Get all your convenient, life saving, and nutrient rich Tetrahedroseph merchandise here:

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