From Grass to Grace 🙏

Once upon a time, there lived a man named Ifeanyi who had a Child. Ifeanyi was hard a working Man but died two weeks before his Child Chidi was born. Chidi had a poor home bringing. Ifunanya the wife decided not to remarry but work very well to train chidi in school to any level of his choice in education. Chidi had poor upbringing as the family always lived in poverty. Infant they could not make ends meet as they were always in debt. Chidi despite all odds was an industrious boy. He was not discouraged by all shortcomings but rather has faith, zeal and determination to succeed despite the challenges in his Life . There was no good food to eat, he lacked school materials and had nice dresses to wear except those given to him by other students who pitied him.
One fateful day when chidi was in final year in the secondary school, the struggling mother dlept and never woke up. It was indeed a disaster that was enough to end his hope of living. He cried bitterly but that would not bring back the Mother. He inagined the bitter life he would live after his Mother. Infant fate was unkind to him as the disaster fell on him cut him to size. He hadn't paid tge examination fees before the death of his Mother since he entered into the senior secondary. However his financial impotent didn't affect his academic ability. He always passed his examinations in flying colours more determine than others and more determine than ever.

At tge close of the registration, the school registered him on credit with the hope that when he finished from school he would engage in menial jobs and pay back tge loan granted. He was made to sign some undertaking which he did. Fortunately for him he passed all the nine courses with distinction, infant he had the best results in the federation and the minster of Education awarded him automatic scholarship for the rest of his education.Not only that he equally pased the UME - University Matriculation Examination and was admitted to study medicine and Surgery in the university.It was no problem for him as a result of the scholarship he had won based in his academic performance in final examinations at the secondary school.

Life at the University was average for him at least the scholarship covered only the tuition and books. He had to engage in some menial jobs to raise money for feeding and provide some necessary materials he needed. He applied to various social organizations to help but to no avail as they claimed it would amount to duplicate amount of rewards as he already gotten one from the Federal government. Despite his academic workload, he had to take a part time emploment at a factory worker. He earned at least a little to meet his emergency needs. As long last he finished and qualified as a medical doctor. To crown it all he bagged First Class honours degree in medicine and was given another automatic scholarship for post graduate medical course. He spent two years at postgraduate medical course and it ended successfully.

After his service year he was retained for his deep knowledge of the profession and humanitarian service. He worked for reasonable length of time before he set jp his own medical practice. One day attended a conference in the town he stays and had s fatal accident. He was rushed to Chidi Private Hospital. Dr. Chidi had to battle tooth and nail to save the life of his his formal principal. By the time the formal principal regained his consciousness,he recognized his former indigent student and asked the question? *How do you make it ? The answer Dr. Chidi gave was where there is a will there is a way.

Indeed He was lifted for Grass to Grace and we hope for so in our Lives Amen 🙏.

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