all I have to do... is dreem.

Ever had one of those days?


Maybe even months?

I have.

Off-chain my life has been so incredibly busy... and this has squeezed my time online somewhat... so I have been hitting the keyboard in fits and starts and it has kinda felt a bit like this...

Gif from Veeam on

Gif from baretreemedia on

My kids are on summer hols here in England. School broke up on Tuesday. And... it was my eldest's last day at Primary School this week. High School beckons in September! Where have the years gone? šŸ˜¢ So, this means that the past few weeks have been filled with High School transition days, end-of-school-year party planning, school play, school leavers' dance, school summer fair, playground tuckshop duty... all on top of the usual school runs, after-school activities, grocery shopping, family birthday celebrations up and down the country, family time, and the daily grind. (ok...just saying all that made me exhausted!)

And... we have had the Dreemport-Ecency 3 week challenge on the go... with the additional underlying theme of #leadingwithgenerosity (added thanks to @unklebonehead ).

So... I have felt pretty much like...

Gif by celebrity apprentice Australia on


Anyway... we have come to the end of yet another 3 week Dreemport challenge... this time with Ecency... and boy has it been...


So much fun!!!

and now we have to wrap it up... sorta...kinda šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

So this is the remit for today's post:

Screenshot nicked from Dreems šŸ¤£

OK! So...first things first... I fell at the first hurdle... because it says 5pm PST, right?... and now it is... 7.45pm PST (edit... almost 9pm at time of posting)

My excuse?

I fell asleep.

.. why?

Refer to the rest of my post above šŸ˜‚

hehe, well not entirely true - more like... life has been so hectic that we finally had a chance to sit outside this evening and have a family bbq (just the 4 of us) organised by my eldest. You know the kind of organisation by an 11 year old where they get mostly everything organised... then get distracted by a call from a friend to play Fortnite mid-way through... and call on Mom to come and rescue them to finish all the prep... lol. And then bbq dinner outside in the back garden turned into an evening of song and dance (literally)... around the fire... so some much needed fun family time... which had to take priority over writing to a deadline... especially after a hectic few weeks... so I'm sorry... but this post is just gonna have to be... late... šŸ™„

...let's call it #leadingwithgenerosity with time for my family šŸ’ž

This week, I completed the weekly challenges... albeit late each time... but I got them done... I wrote my Hive re-intro post, I created my first banner... I had a lot of fun using the tipping and boosting functionality in Ecency... and now I am writing my closing time post.

My first banner? I was a bit eek... at the prospect of designing one as I had never created one it was a slightly daunting prospect for me but... yep, I did it! And I did it because of this wonderful human being @whywhy (aka bitcoinbaby) who generously shared a step by step guide for design newbs on how to create a banner using canva. Completely demystified the process for me! So thank you so much @whywhy ... you rock!!!

You can find the 'how-to' post here

And this is my Ecency tipping banner that I created using a canva pro template as my starting point - and I freaking love it! It has made me excited to try new things in Canva Pro.

Anyway, on to the closing questions:

How did this month impact you with Ecency?

I have been using Ecency for several months now... and I love it. The interface has a very clean and friendly look-and-feel to it which I really enjoy. It's easy to use - very intuitive - and rewards users with ecency points which can be used to boost, promote, or tip the posts of others when you want to give them a bit more love. You can also boost or promote your own posts when you want to give a particular post a bit more exposure.

Did you feel more connected to others during the month?

I always feel pretty connected to my tribe on Hive and within Dreemport but I have to say that over these few weeks, some relationships have definitely felt closer, tighter and I have felt more enriched for the experience. Many thanks to @dreemsteem, @beeber , and @melinda010100 for leading the way.

I had the best partner for week one. @penderis is the most awesome guy. He'll deny it til the cows come home, but that man is all heart and I love him to bits. He makes me laugh... all the time... and he always seems to know intuitively when to jump into my DM with a hilarious gif, comedy sketch or interesting piece of music. He's a deep thinker, intelligent, thoughtful, generous. He also designed the best banner ever to represent our lil partnership...

It is so meaningful... and will always remind me of our little collab... I do have a little giggle every time I see it.

When is a dick not a dick? When he is not a Richard.

To understand why this is funny to me... you can visit this post here from week one of the challenge.

Week 2 saw us teemed up with @juliamulcahy and @mcyusuf ... the Sooper Snail Duo... and Julia created our new teem banner combining the best bits from both teems...

We had a blast as a teem, #leadingwithgenerosity , boosting posts left right and centre. Loved our little foursome... some beautiful peeps right there ā£ļø

The final week has been focussed on using the tipping functionality in Ecency... and the outpouring of love has been very evident across dreemers and ecencials alike šŸ’•

Do you think you tried things that you'll CONTINUE to use after this month is over?

Absolutely!!! I love the Ecency tipping function as it allows you to tip with Ecency points when a post deserves a little extra love and it has either already been boosted by somebody else or you don't have sufficient points to boost it yourself.

I will also continue to use my points to boost the posts of others. I had tried boosting others before but it never seemed to work... now I know it is because you have to boost a post within the first 24 hours of its life or your points get returned to you.

I also joined the Ecency discord and will continue to drop in there from time to time to say hi as I now realise that I am part of the Ecency community too... kinda obvious, right... but somehow... šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ§

Gif by Big Brother After Dark on

**Do you think the Lovelution Revolution will continue as you keep #leadingwithgenerosity?


I can it not?

Long may the friendships remain, sustain, and grow.

All I have to do... is dreem.

Right? @dreemsteem (you amazing incredible human being that we all love so dearly)


Title taken from the song - All I have to do is dream written by Boudleaux-Bryant

Header image created using 'Modern Purple Happy Anniversary banner' by Monkey Design Team in canva pro library

Gifs from

Lovelution gif by @dreemsteem and used with permission.

Dreemport banner used with permission of @dreemsteem and @dreemport and designed by @jimramones

Image sourcing banner by @dreemsteem and used with permission.

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