Time travel could be possible, according to this theoretical physicist

There is a way to travel in time that could be possible: according to the physicist Barak Shoshany, the definitive solution would be in the creation of multiple histories, or parallel chronologies. The concept of time travel has fascinated mankind for millennia. However, the idea has had a special boom since the appearance of the science fiction genre, which has been taking advantage of it for a long time. And it was not for less. Surely we all have dreamed of the endless possibilities of time travel, even if it's just to have the opportunity to make amends for a mistake made in the past. But beyond dreams and science fiction, how realistic is time travel in our universe? What does science say about it? In an article published in The Conversation, the Associate Professor of Physics at Brock University (Canada), Barak Shoshany, wrote about the possibility of time travel, proposing a possible solution to the different paradoxes that physicists have found in the different time travel theories

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