Pár ex Botas Prague shoes brand

Today thanks to my wife, I’ve become an owner of the Pragues what are famous shoes, brand PAR?

As you might know, I was travelling here to Czech Republic for the last 12 years now due to the war in the Ukraine, I’m here for the last year and a half

I remember back in the days this brand called BOTAS And I never had an opportunity to buy myself a pair of the shoes because this shop was always closed.

Last year, I read the news that BOTAS brand was bankrupted and I even had my own joke, why?

Because the goddamn store was always closed.

As far as I understand, the Brant is not 100% czeh they produce the shoes in Portugal.

The price for one pair is over hundred euros which is quite cool for me at this situation, but thanks to my wife I have one and I think it’s my birthday gift ha ha

Good mood everyone

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