"Grindstone" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

[Gel pen on notebook page with digital embellishments and color. 2020.]

Buffy the Vampire Slayer for the fifth or sixth time through. We're on the final disk of season one. Every year or two, we rewatch all seven seasons. Always enjoyable. (Except for one particular episode that we skip every time. Too realistic. Too sad.)

In other nudes (ha! grandpa joke), I spent over THREE HOURS scanning and cataloging postcards, and didn't get thru the stack of new cards. My previous MUSEUM OF POSTCARD ART update was a MONTH ago, and (thanks to my friends sending me cards, my wife buying me some for my birthday, my older daughter brought a bunch back from her vacation, plus all the cards I bought while we were at the beach...), the COLLECTION HAS GROWN!

I didn't finish. Hopefully, before I have to go to work tomorrow, I'll finish scanning the rest of the cards and get a post completed and shared...

HOPEFULLY... (And I'll try not to wait so long between scanning sessions next time.)


---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

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