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Funny and Beautiful Day

Hello Friends,
Hope you are doing well... I'm very happy to be here today with you all.

Most of my day was spent in school, so I won't really have some school pics to share, cause I can't go with my phone to school.

I left for school at about 7:30am, after doing all my morning chores in the house and taking some breakfast. I had just one class to attend in school today which was Physics.

So when I reached school, I had to wait for the Biology class to be over, so that I can go in for Physics. I finally went in for Physics at about 9:40am.

Before I went in for Physics I used the free time I had to revise on the Physics notes. The Physics class went on till 11:20am, and I was done for the day. But unfortunately for me, I could not leave the school campus. So I had to study and relax over and over again till the school closed at 3:10pm, and I went home.

When I got home, my Mum was still preparing some food (Sweet potatoes and garden eggs). So I had to sit in the parlour and wait for the food to get ready. While waiting, my eyes slowly tilted to my Mum's wig or whatever it's called lol 😂...
And I immediately put it on my head 😂


I myself I know that the thing is funny on me due to the fact that I'm a boy 😅, but I also resemble a girl.

Let's compare the picture above with this one friends 😜


Hope you all can see the difference 😌

After playing around with my Mum's wig, food finally got ready. I ate the food so fast such that I forgot to snap it, cause I was really hungry.

After eating, I started preparing for church rehearsals which was scheduled to start at 4:00pm, so I left the house at about 4:30pm, meaning I was already late.

So when I reached there, fortunately for me rehearsals had not yet started. My fellow musicians were still trying to set things up, so I joined them.


After setting up, we rehearsed successfully and I was on my way home.

When I was going home on a bike, I saw a beautiful view of the exterior clouds. And as soon as I dropped the bike, I removed my phone and took some wonderful shots 📸



And friends, that is how my day went... 🙏

Thank You For Visiting My Post. ❤️🇨🇲
