Christmas Stories: Party, Thanksgiving, And Recognition Day

Before the Christmas vacation, there are more stories to tell and memories to cherish as we give thanks and recognize worthy moments of the school year.

And what makes it more exciting is the Christmas party. Perhaps all my students enjoyed a memorable Christmas event.

A day before the special moment, we decorated the classroom with Christmas decorations.

Our country has no winter season, so my students decided to design it with a blend of snow-like hanging decor together with the Christmas stars and hanging party decorations.

The materials used for the Christmas decorations blended recycled materials and indigenous matters. Even a week before the Christmas celebration in school, they were all excited, including me.

Indeed, Christmas is genuinely the most fantastic time of the year as it brings a lot of thrills, excitement, and surprises to everyone.

After the first quarter of the school year had passed, our school highlighted two significant events, which are thanksgiving and Recognition Day.

Both reflect a total success for all achievements and blessings worth remembering for the previous and current school year.

Our school has a lot to be thankful for, and Pasasalamat 2022, or Thanksgiving, is our very own way of expressing our appreciation for our gratitude to the Almighty one. Despite the pandemic, the Heavenly Father showered us favorably and shielded each of us.

The last day of classes for the year ended last Friday, and we conducted the Thanksgiving and Recognition Day by classroom. Before the pandemic, we used to have it on the stage, but to avoid the crowd and spread of the virus, we decided to combine the celebration in the classroom in one day.

Since I have two sets of students, I divided the schedule evenly so everyone could enjoy it. For the first set, we started at seven o’clock in the morning and ended at noon time. And for the second set, we started as soon as the first set of students was done and ended at four in the afternoon.

We gathered together and enjoyed the Christmas season by having many enjoyable events inside the classroom.

We started with Recognition day, and I awarded all deserving students a certificate of recognition.

A program followed it where my students could showcase their talents through a Christmas presentation.

They presented both singing and dance presentations while using Christmas beats. They all enjoyed watching their classmates present as they witnessed their talents for the first time.

Meanwhile, everybody enjoyed the parlor games, and these were priceless moments as I saw the biggest smiles and laughs while playing.

In addition, the Christmas party will not be complete without exchanging gifts, and all of my students were very happy after receiving their Christmas presents.

I was amazed when I received gifts from my students, which were extraordinary. Here are the Christmas presents that I received from them.

Some gifts I received were a comfy blanket, a foot massager, a shoulder bag, a handbag, a pink teddy bear, a set of clothes, a coin purse, and all the sweet kinds of stuff from all of my students.

And the one that touched me the most was a drawing and portrait made of charcoal with a heartwarming message.

Aside from this, I received a lot of Christmas greetings through texts and chats from my students since this was the last day before the Christmas vacation. And I was happy to hear from them that they will miss me for a while, as we will see each other again in the first month of the year 2023.

Afterward, we all gathered at the table to share the food for the Thanksgiving celebration. The students brought sumptuous meals, and I was so full.

We can sense hope and inspiration for the future in our students' eyes. Everyone is appreciative of the lovely and challenging past as well as the success each of us experienced when we overcame the vast horizon. Because hope is the ability to see that there is light despite all of the darkness we have endured, there is hope in every single one of us.

We are so grateful for our small victories in our daily challenges and adversity, and by the grace of God, we are triumphant.

As we say goodbye to the year 2022, we want to send out a huge congratulations to all of our teachers for being able to adapt to the changes and loving their students with all of their hearts. Despite their struggles, they have been victorious in embracing each of their students and have significantly impacted their lives.

And, to all the students, I congratulate them for impacting this changing world ahead of the next step in realizing their dreams.

We all went home with big smiles, hoping to take advantage of the Christmas break while hoping that 2023 would be brighter, merrier, delightful, hopeful, more motivational, inspiring, and humbling. Let ourselves enjoy ourselves, and we will all once again see each other in all the nooks of our school on January 04, 2023, energized both spiritually and physically. God bless us all.

Happy Holidays, everyone! And my special greetings goes to a dear friend from thousands of miles, @samsmith1971. Merry Christmas! Sending much love with a big hug.

Disclaimer: All texts and pictures are my own unless otherwise stated.

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