A Magical Christmas Gift For Myself And Others

As I look at the elegance of the colorful decor at the Santa’s corner, all of a sudden, I remember all the presents I have both sent and received from all incredible people.

It does not matter how lavish or simple my presents are; as long as I constantly have the tree of prosperity, it will always store all my wishes, goals, presents, and gifts.

No one ever knows how they would be, for each Christmas gift is purely cherished in my solitary heart, with an empty cage made of precious jewels where that become priceless through the golden time.

It is a beautiful day to be alive with great thoughts of love and happiness through my warmest greetings to all my adorable friends who are always part of my magical gifts for 2022.

The Magical Gifts

The magical gifts for myself and others in 2022 and beyond are deeply wrapped with my tender loving care, sealed with my humble prayers, and packed with great wishes for each I truly treasure.


Even a simple greeting, a simple thank you, and a simple expression of pride toward others can light up the world of a thousand souls. I firmly believe that when I learn to appreciate others, I embrace a perfectly imperfect reflection of myself. And so, the level of appreciation I have manifested towards others must be equally the same to myself, and I will give self-appreciation as a gift by appreciating others as how I understand myself.


Self-respect is an excellent reflection of humility. I am learning to know how to respect myself so that, in return, the same energy of respect is manifested in me as respect equates to respect, and this is an essential aspect of personal growth and development between myself and other people. I want to remember to value care with the most righteous attitude I have whenever I respect others, as how I appreciate myself.


Self-love is the most fantastic present I can share with myself, not only today but always. From the moment I wake up until I close my eyes, love for myself is what I can afford to manifest. If things become intoxicating, I learn the art of cutting the toxic matters and even toxic relationships too, and most especially, learn to set my boundaries and limits. Self-love would only be selfish with toxicity. Love others as how I love myself is a precious gift to everyone.


Forgiveness is as good as peace from within as it is something worth giving to others, not to mention the mistakes committed by others to me or the mistakes I have committed to others. Sometimes the wound is still there, but through time, this will be healed through healing and moving on. A simple gift to forgive others, as how I forgive myself, brings delight to the holiday season.


Self-support is a gift that everybody needs as this supports every humble self toward what we think, say, and do. I take some time to help myself more. If I am tired, then take some time to recharge and be energized to keep going. Not only for myself but also for supporting others without dwelling on their lives yet only supporting authentic and genuine ones. Supporting others as how I help myself is a humble gift I could show to everyone.

In as much as I treasure myself as a gem, I cherish each soul I know as a jewel in my most charming world. I value each one as more than enough, and for that, there are no reasons that I could retrieve hatred in my fragile heart.

Even if bad times are inevitable, no one could ever know how rude sometimes others may be. I may have a simple soul, yet my heart and mind are so spacious to think of others first, and for that, my humble self is so loud and proud to express that its most excellent satisfaction is through sharing.

As the Christmas season is approaching, this season is all about the spirit of loving, caring, giving, and sharing, yet I do not want to reflect on myself without a little Santa of my own. Even just a little shadow of dear Santa Claus in my very own shadow is more than enough.

Santa greatly mirrors generosity and kindness, and I value the reflection desperately because all I want is to live life to the fullest with the most selfless soul as I am sending my best wishes and cares to radiate positivity and inspire even to the most restless heart and soul.

The magical gifts may not look lavish materially, but in a greater sense, they are more focused on the wellness and welfare of me and others, which seemed magical, like those tales told as old as time.

Nothing can truly beat a gracious heart and soul whose only desire is to selfishly care for oneself, radiate positivity, and greatly inspire others to live an evermore roughly smooth life.

Thus, to be more inspired to keep going on the beautiful horizon, my magical gifts for myself and others in 2022 and beyond mainly consist of Self-Appreciation, Self-Respect, Self-love, Self-forgiveness, and Self-support.

*A very Merry Christmas and a happy holidays to one and all, and @ladychef.

Disclaimer: All texts and pictures are my own unless otherwise stated.

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