The Paradigm of Success for Financial and Personal Growth

My work experience in the Middle East gave me an edge to establish myself financially when I managed to achieve the basic goal for my family. 70% of my income has been invested in my country and the rest is set aside for the basic need intended for my baby and for our family getaway once in a while.

This has given me an idea of how I can create more wealth not only for myself but definitely for the self-actualization that could sustain my personal well-being so I can share more to the ***Bukas Palad ***Foundation which is closer to my heart. Seeing how the kids enjoyed our small gifts for them made me the happiest.

Our Mental and Metaphysical State about Finances

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Before I reached the point of being able to set aside my source of income for my investments, savings, emergency funds, I had a very difficult mental consciousness about my finances.

There was a point where I could not even pay my bills because of the meager amount of money I had despite having a job. I had a source of income yet I was still wondering why at the end of the month I feel still it's not enough? What am I doing with my salary then?

I made sure I lived just within my means however I still felt there was lacking. I had to overhaul my financial state or else I would keep on going the rat race. So I started EDUCATING myself on how I can grow my income and from then things became clear to me that what was missing was the Mental State of my Finances.

I always had this thought before of not having enough! it seemed that whatever I was earning, would just come and go despite the effort to keep it as my savings. Brian Tracy in the documentary about The Millionaire Project: New Documentary About Achieving Financial Freedom said that,

"the way we think about money would determine how much of it we would make!"

Surely you have heard this many times when you stumbled into money-making machine' documentaries but only when I felt so miserable with my way of earning that I needed to make a sturdy act in order to materialize what's my metaphysical state on my finances.

Mind you there was a point wherein, earning nearly 6-figures was more than enough for me however with the increasing need of the people around and being able to extend more financial assistance gave me more determination to create wealth abundance.


In the documentary film, it was stated "HAVING" wealth can be taken from us primarily if we're still not able to figure out between asset and liabilities yet "BEING" the wealth can not be taken away.

Creating money is just a mind game that we played in ourselves just like for instance monetizing our skills through blogging and earning Bitcoin Cash, as another form of money, a digital asset is an edge so that we could accumulate more wealth.

"Having" the knowledge on how to write is a good way to sell our expertise hence we could earn money from blogging per se however "being" able to write out of passion is something that is innate which can bring and create more impact to those whoever will read your/our content.

So ask yourself, are you writing or blogging just to make money out of it, or do you write because you are giving more value to others?

Experience Prosperity and Abundance
but never practice Scarcity!

Have you ever experienced wherein you don't have enough money yet when you saw that there's a need to give whatever amount you have, there's a compulsive force to GIVE it away?


My holiday experience in my country was something I would always treasure not because we managed to roam around but it was a turning point of what it means when I experienced ABUNDANCE and Prosperity not with money per se moreover being able to feel Good when I extended that remaining food we bought from the restaurant.

We went out for dinner at a nearby shopping mall in Davao and decided to buy extra food for emergency cases. As we went out to cross where the hotel we stayed was 10 minutes walk, my heart broke to see a very young boy asked for food. I could see how hungry he was and without hesitation, I told my hubby to give him the extra food we bought. We asked where he lived and why he's still out, and told him to go home because it's not safe for him to be out on the street. I could not do anything more than giving him the food and some extras we had but I was praying that he would be home safe while my husband asked how come he's out at night alone?

I told him we were lucky we have a roof to sleep and our baby has to see the other realities of the world so he would grow up with a concrete experience of what it means to have nothing to be able value something.

Prosperity and Abundance entail GIVING.

Sharing a PERCENTAGE of what you have regardless if it's your last amount of money. There is a law of the universe that would nurture your practice of giving which indirectly gave you more ABUNDANCE than you can imagine.


I could not emphasize enough how I felt more at peace with money through a prosperity and abundance mindset when there was a point that I had to send money almost every week to sustain the medication bill of my father when he was hospitalized and the more I practiced giving on what I have, the more I felt good eventually the flow of money was smooth enough likewise affirming myself that I would be prospered in all of what I need for my papa's hospitalization.

There was a point when papa said, "*anak, why would you be wasting money for my hospitalization if, in the end, I won't have any assurance to live long?" This conversation took place when we discussed his chemotherapy which cost 600,00php per session.

And I simply told my papa, "God will provide pa. Be well and entrust everything to Him. HE has all the wealth in the world." Papa did not reach 6 months as per the doctor's diagnosis but we knew in our hearts he's home with our Father in Heaven. The money spent for his medication sustain his two months' life on earth before his last breath.

I could not emphasize enough how I felt more at peace with money through a prosperity and abundance mindset when there was a point that I had to send money almost every week to sustain the medication bill of my father when he was hospitalized and the more I practiced giving on what I have, the more I felt good eventually the flow of money was smooth enough likewise affirming myself that I would be prospered in all of what I need for my papa's hospitalization.

There was a point when papa said, "*anak, why would you be wasting money for my hospitalization if, in the end, I won't have any assurance to live long?" This conversation took place when we discussed his chemotherapy which cost 600,00php per session.

And I simply told my papa, "God will provide pa. Be well and entrust everything to Him. HE has all the wealth in the world." Papa did not reach 6 months as per the doctor's diagnosis but we knew in our hearts he's home with our Father in Heaven. The money spent for his medication sustain his two months' life on earth before his last breath.

What's the Rationale?

With my experiences on money, I came to realize it's on the "HOW" to create more wealth abundance by simply reaffirming myself on a daily basis that I have what I need when it comes to my finances.


In the book, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, page 157, on the topic, "Your Constant Supply of Money" I was struck at how strong the message it was to my journey towards prosperity with a powerful statement that "we are here to lead a BALANCED LIFE (Financial and Personal Growth) which includes acquiring all the money we need.

Our exposure to cryptocurrency as another form of money and holding digital assets, buying shares of stocks and equities, bonds, even mutual funds can create more wealth should we learn how to manage them properly. Remember that it's not about how much we keep but on HOW MUCH we set aside for our advantage, so invest not only in our Financial growth but mainly for our Personal Success.


May those who read this be blessed an OVERFLOWING ABUNDANCE

Sharing your thoughts is greatly appreciated.


  • Are you grounded with the statement of "money the love is the root of all evil?

  • How would you reconcile the thought on "HAVING" the wealth vs. "BEING" the wealth?

  • Do you think Financial and Personal Growth should go together in order to acquire success?

  • If one is taken for granted, would it be tantamount to failure? Why or why not?


Some images used in this post are mine edited on Canva
anak is a tagalog term for "daughter!"
Prosperity and Abundance Image from Pexels edited on Canva
badges earned by the author and property of Uptrennd University*

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