Talent vs Hard work


I will definitely choose the latter. As the great Warren Buffett used to say: "An idiot with a plan can beat a genius without a plan." This means that talent is like genius, and hard work is like an idiot with a plan.

I really love to work hard and I believe it will pay off. I will give 2 examples, 1 simple and 1 from my own life.

A well-known example, Ronaldo vs Messi. The eternal confrontation between talent versus hard work. Honestly, I am more sympathetic to Ronaldo. Messi is 100 percent not from our planets, but how amazed I am by Ronaldo's devotion to the cause. Real professional.

An example from life. I have a friend with a talent for programming. He makes good money. I even had a moment of white envy (good envy and joy for a friend). But I have devoted myself to hard work for 4 years. Even when I fell, I still got up and walked on. In the end, my efforts paid off. I earn more and spend less time on it. And of course I get more pleasure from what I do, because I found my favorite craft and I don't wait until the end of the working day. On the contrary, I hope it will not end.

Success is closer than you think.

Thank you for your attention!!!

Peace in your home.

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