The Joys of Cleaning Day

The weekend approaches and I am full of happiness thinking about all of the fun I will have doing things I like until it hits me hard, CLEANING DAY!!! Before I can enjoy my weekend, I need to clean... AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!

What did I do to deserve this??

Before I can do the cleaning, I need to think about it... for a very long time.. sometimes a few days.. once this phase is completed, I start to prepare the cleaning tools needed.

I do not have OCD, so I approach cleaning with a flexible mindset. I need to scan the needed products and try to build up the excitement. It will be so much fun to clean the toilet!! I remember how much I enjoy scrubbing the shower!

I wonder where did all the dust come from? I even had all the windows closed, but it still built up. I mark that down as a question for God when I meet him, it's 3rd on my list under:

  1. Mosquitoes - what's the deal with them?
  2. Jelly Fish?
  3. Dust.

Once I've browsed the needed products, I then need to place them in the required position for operation. My wife is usually purchasing them but whilst scanning them, I like to check if we can upgrade any of them, add more power to them, or perhaps there is a powerful tool that could get the job done faster. I mean Bosch make lots of tools now.

Once the materials are in place for operation, I need to first rest and prepare myself mentally ready for the actual cleaning. This could involve sitting for a few hours on the couch listening to music or watching TV. In case I completely forget about the cleaning, my wife usually reminds me in a non-nagging way.

I need to make sure that it doesn't get too late, as I can't possibly clean in the dark. You can't see properly without sunlight.

One of my favorite cleaning products is this hand paste, it is one for cleaning grease and oil from your hands. If im tinkering with the car or some DIY project, I love how it cleans your hands effectively.

OK, I pro-crastinated enough, I really should get started with the cleaning..

Thanks for reading

This post is part of the Ecency Discord Topic. You can find the details here


All photos are my own.

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