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How im cooling down in the summer

The summer solstice has just passed which means the summer is now in full swing. It is now over 20°C after 8 am in the morning and can get to 30°C or higher during the day.


I really love the summer months but it can get quite hot. I'm not normally from a country that experiences a warm summer, so being able to survive the summer can be a challenge.

Keeping cool and refreshed can be a challenge and I use a multi-thronged approach of attack against the heat. My first line of defense is my trusty fan.


Sat next to the fan can be nice and refreshing with the cool breeze blowing. My next line of defense is to draw the window blinds down to block out the sun. This can help prevent the house from warming up.


In addition, to keep the temperature 1°C lower, I would use our awning that can provide some extra protection against the sun.


Therefore I could also sit outside and use my next line of defense, which is to sit in the shadow. I never thought I would love sitting in the shadow so much, but on a hot summer's day, it's the best. Preferably somewhere with a slight breeze would be perfect.


If with all these things, I am too warm, I would be sure to drink plenty of water.


This would then usually do the trick to keep me cool and refreshed. If in the evening it still doesn't cool down, I would then retreat to my secret place.


Here in the cellar it stays under 20°C and I can sleep on my sofa bed staying cool.

How are you staying cool this summer?

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