Discovering some Flags!

This post is part of the Ecency Discord weekly topic. I love a challenge and when I read it was about flags, I thought that I need to go out exploring and find some flags! It just so happened that I was on my travels and came across a building with not 1, but 3 flags flying. The wind was not so forthcoming so you cannot see them too well.

The first one right to left is the Sachsen regional flag or specifically in german "Landesflagge mit Landeswappen - Landesdienstflagge". What this means is that the flag is the regional flag for Sachsen but also it has a special coat of arms on it which means it is for official regional government buildings to use and not for citizens.

Only the two colors are the normal regional flag for Sachsen without the coat of arms and this is allowed to be flown by all citizens.

The middle flag in the picture is the well-known flag of Germany. This is often called the black, red, and gold flag.

The final flag I was not sure of at first, but I think this is the Ukrainian flag. This is being flown in many places in support of Ukraine with the current conflict.

I was waiting around for a while to see if the wind would get stronger and I could get a full flag photo, but alas it was not so windy and I couldn't wait any longer.

Thanks for reading.

Photo is my own.
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