University Flower tree place Name "IR Chattor"

This is Flower tree in our University and this place to grow on IR Chattor just looking very beautiful and I love The tree and this tree memories on International Relations Department and representative on in our University Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University Gopalgonj Bangladesh.


This place to capture photos any people on University students are gathering this place altime just this time to create horrible situation create..


Just like to competition for giving one photos are another photos to capture just mind blowing also.


I like this situation so very much appreciated and I also happy to see moment.


This creation so very much beautiful just not to have another University..I like this aslo for our department Chattor..
Just I proud of iT..


Thanks for sharing and visit my post and I will my best post sharing another time..
So thank you alL..


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