
Even though zoo's make me cry for our world, I can appreciate the effort that goes into assuring that so many animal species are cared for and provided a safe environment.

The Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago is free for visitors and is a wonderful place to spend time with your camera. My daughter-in-law visited and took these wonderful photos for me to share here.

Last August a Gervys zebra foal was born at the zoo and the birth is particularly notable, as Grevy’s zebras are endangered, with fewer than 2,000 of the species in the wild due to habitat loss. and hunting.

The new foal weighed 105 pounds at birth and could run an hour after being born. She is expected to grow to around 850 pounds as an adult.

The zoo's exhibits include big cats, polar bears, penguins, gorillas, reptiles, monkeys, and other species totaling about 1,100 animals.

I appreciate that the zoo gives us an opportunity to see and take photos of animals that we would otherwise never be able to enjoy.

I expect to have more animal photos to share!

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