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Books! ED posting topic this week.

The Ecency Discord posting topic this week is BOOKS Thanks to @beeber for choosing a topic this week that she knows is dear to both of our hearts!

All photos are my own, of books that I own.

I learned to love reading long before I could read. My grandparents lived just around the corner from our house and I spent many hours with them whenever I could. I was allowed to follow along and 'help' with cooking and household chores, knowing that when the work was done it would be time to sit on Grandma's lap and she would read books to me.

There was a large stack of Little Golden Books at her house and I would sort through and pick my favorites. Golden Books were readily available in drug stores and places where people regularly shopped. They were priced below 50 cents, making them available to many families with children. Prior to Golden Books people had to go to bookstores to purchase children's books that were often several dollars in price.
The art work of Golden Books was colorful and attractive.

cover art on The Three Little Pigs Golden Book

The hard cardboard covers must have made them durable, because I still have several of mine. They were read to me often enough that I memorized the stories and could recite what was on each page without knowing what the words said.

Once I started school and was introduced to the alphabet, the mystery of the words all made sense and I couldn't wait to read all of my favorite books on my own. I again spent hours on Grandma's lap reading to her now, and she patiently deciphered the words that I could not yet sound out on my own.

What a gift for a lifetime she gave me! I have never stopped reading and loving books.

10% of this posts rewards go to @beeber. All the work you do for Ecency Discord is appreciated!