Treating my pond

I have finally get to the treatment section which is the last section of the construction before anything can be introduced to eat.

Why do you need to treat your newly constructed pond before introducing fish on it?

  1. To avoid damages.
  2. For observation.

The pond needs to be treated to give your fish a healthy living. Without treating it you are introducing your fish to many sort of infection which may result to killing all the fish' that's a huge loss.
What may cause the infection? The chemicals used to construct the pond. Such as cement and so on.
Cement is a deadly chemical even to human being. it can congeal your intestine aa human not to compare with fishes.

Observation is very important. To make sure your pond is okay and will not collapse after you have introduced your fish.

The picture above is how we are getting the pond ready by cutting in some plantain sterm inside the pond.

What is the use of plantain sterm?

It will neutralize the chemicals and make them inoffensive.
Those plantain leaves will last for two weeks inside the pond for proper neutralization. Then after that we will wash the pond thoroughly before we can fill it with clean water then boom 💥 fishes will arrive

And the beautiful part of it is that i didn't get those plantains outside. I got them from my farm where i planted them.
Below is where i got it from. Inside my farm.

A special thanks to all who started this project with me i really appreciate your contribution to it.
I will still feed you on the arrival of the fishes.

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