Poultry Farming

What is poultry Farming?

Poultry Farming is a form of Animal Husbandry which raises any various animal that have been tamed and made fit for a human environment.

Let's talk about two types of Poultry Farming.


Many different breeds of chickens have been established for a different intend. For simplification, you can place them in three general category: Meat-producing, laying and dual purpose breeds.

a) Meat Breeds:

Meat-producing breeds are very efficient at changing feed to meat, producing close to one pound of body weight for every two pounds of feed they eat. These meat-producing breeds are lager than the laying breeds. They grow rapidly and weigh five pound or more at seven-eight weeks.

b) Laying Breeds:

These breeds are known for their egg laying capabilities. A healthy hen lay eggs for several years. Once they are at age of 16-21 weeks approximately, they will lay between 20-31 dozen of eggs the first year. So at the 14 months, layers usually begin shedding, the process by which they shade away their old feathers and grow new one. And at that period no eggs will be laid; absolutely no. Why? Because their body system cannot handle the pressure of laying and molting at the same time. After that period they begin to lay again but this time fewer per year (15-17 dozen).

c) Dual Purpose Breeds:

The dual-purpose breeds is the creation backyard chicken. These breeds are bold, fare large bodies, self dependant. Lay large brown-shelled eggs.

Turkeys, Game Birds and other poultry

Turkeys, pheasants, grouse and ducks are often raised as pets or for it eggs and meat-producing qualities. They can also make a very great intense such as terrific noise or projects for children to learn a responsibilities and animal husbandry skills.

So what do you need to start a poultry farm?

1. Space

2. Ventilation

3. Light and heater

4. Protection from weather and predators

5. Poultry House.

My chicks on the picture above are just 7days old when i snapped the picture, this age is when they requires more attention, care, time and so on.
Whatever you do with them now requires you to be more careful because any mistake made at this age will result to a disaster; you know the outcome. Their system are not strong yet to sustain them during the cold weather that's why i have to construct an iron basket that will serve as a heater to them.

The importance of this heater is to make sure they are in good condition; not too much heat and not cold it has to be warm. Meanwhile the disadvantage of it is; when the heat is too much you will discover all the chicks will move away from the center to the wall to protect themselves from too much heat.
So when we discover the heat is too much we take it away and also observe when they will be hiding under each other wings then you know cold has come back again. So at that point we will bring the heater back.

I also provided solar system for them and it runs automatically when the poultry is dark it turn on when it day it turns off automatically.

The advantages of poultry Farming

1. Meat-production.

2. Egg production.

3. Manure.

And is one among the fast income yielding business that runs between the space of six-seven months and your investment and income are back to you depending on your management capability.

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