Something Shocking Happened To My Jew Friend From Israel

Photo by Kat Smith:
DECLARATION: Please note that I am a Muslim living in Pakistan and I declare that Allah is one and the last prophet is prophet Muhammad S.A.W, associating partners with Allah is forbidden, believing that there will be another prophet after prophet Muhammad S.A.W is forbidden, considering one self as God is forbidden and I admit I believe we are indeed in the end of times and there fore every day of my life I listen to first ten verses of Surah Alkahf for protection against the system of the Antichrist.
The above declaration was written so that no religious organization can point a finger at me or my beliefs. The content of this article have no religious connotations, no political affiliation nor has it got any association with any government organization in this world.
**An Incident With A New Born Baby In My Family****
Over 13 years ago a family member who was a new born baby suddenly started crying. The crying did not stop after investigation the parents found voodoo black magic materials inserted under the sleeping mattress of the new born baby. After hearing this sad story I realized the element of jealousy exists and even new born babies can be infected in rare cases.
How My Friendship Was Eastablished With A Jew From Israel
I have been collecting steam gift cards from various rewards websites for over 20 years now. Once I got hold of one of these steam gift wallets I sold them to my Jew friend from Israel who worked as a social media marketing agent. Our friendship was based on the trust factor because I would hand over my steam wallet to this particular friend of mine and then receive payment from him in the form of crypto after a week. This Israeli Jew friend of mine never ever broke my trust and always gave me money he owed to me.
What Happened To My Israeli Jew Friend
Six months ago this Israeli Jew friend of mine told me on Skype that his wife’s family member poisoned him which resulted in him being paralyzed for over two years and now he spend his life on a wheelchair.
Jealousy Exists
This Israeli Jew friend of mine earned over 20k dollars per month from running his social media marketing agency. I am not surprised that he was under the radar of some jealous people and in the end he suffered severely from this jealousy.
I hope no one face the same consequences as my Israeli Jew friend of mine. I wish everyone who read this medium story to realize the fact that jealousy do exists and precautions must be taken for self protection.

This article was originally published on medium

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