How I Made My First 100 Dollars On Medium — How To Get More Views On Your Medium Posts (10 Methods)

Photo by maitree rimthong:


This is an in-depth guide to getting yourself into the 100 dollars club of medium. I have already discussed in my previous articles many methods but after analyzing my over 2 years on medium platform I have learned that these steps are the best methods for achieving the goal of 100 dollars on medium not only in your life but also per month and even getting a 1000 dollars per month and beyond that even.

Here are my ten methods for getting your first 100 dollars on medium:

1. Follow 150 members on medium every day

Zulie Rane might tell you it's a waste of time because these followers would not care about what you write and they followed you because you followed them but I will explain in step number 2 why this strategy will bring you many reads on your medium stories. One thing you must understand is that whenever someone follows a medium member he/she receives a notification with a profile picture shown which is clickable hence the profile can be reached through the notification bell where crucial activities like reading medium stories can occur more in step number 2.

2. Pin Your best medium stories

When you pin your medium stories your selected medium stories are shown on top of your profile page and hence all the juicy read times that you are looking for take place here when you followed step number 1 you are now in eyeballs of 150 medium members and they will engage with your best medium stories which you pinned for them to read hence converting these medium followers into actual fans.

3. Make your own publication and grow it

I always wanted to get my stories published in the biggest publication on medium with over 700k followers called the startup however after 3 failed attempts of getting rejected I realized something crucial; why not create my own publication and grow it myself? I became my own boss and grew my publication of Inkwater atlas to over 31 followers not much but at least I can instantly get my story approved there and potentially get into the email inboxes of 31 extra readers. You might be asking yourself how to grow your own publication. well, the answer to that question is quite simple to go to your publication home settings and fix it how it looks and pin a story “Write for us” giving guidelines to new writers who want to join. Start hunting for new writers and you will be amazed that your publication will grow in no time. In the last 30 days, my publication inkwater atlas has garnered over 2000 views and 1865 minutes of reading time which is a lot for such a small publication like mine.

Here is the link if you want to check it out

4. Share your medium membership referral link and email subscription link

Your medium membership referral link and email subscription link should be copied from the settings page under your profile and kept inside a notepad so whenever you end up working on a medium story just paste it at the end of each medium story; this is a very important step for the growth of your revenue as if you get a medium membership referral you instantly get 2.26 dollars worth of revenue and additionally you are building your email list on medium as well sharing your email subscription link meaning whenever you post a medium story an email of that medium story will be sent to your medium email member automatically so that is valuable traffic which you cannot afford to miss.

5. Share on relevant subreddits

This might be the most important actionable step to take in all the ten steps shared. My friend
always shares his best medium stories on subreddits like r/artificialintelligence and he is getting loads of quality external traffic from Reddit hence forcing the medium algorithm to get him internal views. I myself have garnered lots of views by posting my AI-related medium stories on a subreddit with over 17 million followers called r/Futurology hence getting me great financial rewards in the process.

6. Whoever claps you or follows you under notifications go comment on their latest medium story

You will see under the notification bell icon whenever someone claps, comments, follows you, subscribed to your email list, and registers via your medium membership referral link so take full advantage by returning the favor and commenting/engaging with these medium members hence converting them into your fans.

7. Share your medium membership referral link under the About section

Take full advantage of your about section you will be surprised how much traffic that place garners because people check it out more often than you might think. Your about section must have your medium membership referral link hence taking full help from this place why not; why leave that crucial 2.26 medium membership referral earnings on the table?

8. Make sure you select the right 5 tags

Selecting the right relevant tags is the key to search engine optimization on medium. You don't have to be a digital marketing guru like Niel Patel; all you need to do is figure out which tags get the most traffic by entering different tags in the tags area and you will see the number of times that particular tag has been used. If unsure then you can search for a targetted tag in medium and see which other matching tags people are writing on. It is a simple process yet people miss the point of taking full advantage of getting into the top writer category for a particular tag. If you see my about section you will find that I am a top writer for the tag “Future” the reason being I used this particular tag in some of my best-performing artificial intelligence-related medium stories and hence got myself enrolled into being the top writer for that tag. This means that my profile will now be showcased to many eyeballs whenever someone searches for the tag “Future” hence medium will be promoting me. This is not the same as being curated but trust me this traffic is ever so helpful because it is generating internal search traffic for you from medium itself.

9. Insert a self-made relevant youtube video in the medium story

If you check my pinned medium stories on my profile you will see relevant YouTube videos embedded into them making the reading experience very rich. That is the power of YouTube videos it enriches the medium stories with extra context and is especially for those who don't want to read the medium story yet still engage with it because it has audio/visual content. Additionally, remember that YouTube is owned by Google so obviously you will be posting your medium story link in the description of the YouTube video in turn giving you that sweet Google search traffic hence ranking your medium stories automatically.

10. Write engaging Titles that entice viewers to your medium story with relevant thumbnails

I had to choose between posting on medium-related Facebook groups and this one as my last step of getting to 100 dollars on medium so I chose the latter option for a reason. If you check my medium stories you will find that all my medium stories have engaging titles and relevant thumbnails however I consider myself a newbie at medium so why not look at the profiles of Zulie Rane Tom Kuegler and Ayodeji Awosika (Note I am so sorry I forgot name during making a relevant YouTube video about this topic). You will see that all three medium writers I mentioned somehow find a way to hook you to their medium stories through engaging titles and relevant thumbnails. When you have a great medium story title and a relevant thumbnail you will encourage people to read your medium stories automatically and that is why the writers I mentioned get the most out of internal medium traffic which is members' read time because they follow this core principle.

Ending Note

This Medium story has been in the works for over two plus years my time on medium and I am still learning about this amazing platform. My final advice to you is simple do not give up writing on medium because if you stop with your consistency you will be overtaken by other writers on medium the competition is extremely tough and consider yourself on the battlefield trying to scrap for a place to survive. Just consider yourself lucky for the wonderful opportunity medium has given you as a platform and work hard to achieve the ultimate goal of getting over 1000 dollars on medium every month.

My YouTube video on this topic-

This story has been originally published on

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