Good Governance On HIVE : The Privilege Of Decentralization.

Hi Ecency,

Can we live alone in this society without reciprocating each other? The shared contributions among the classes of people, their assistance and each and every one of the people in our society consists of the global age we live.Isnt it true, guys?

I mean,there is a great idea I think we shouldn’t forget is that - what each and every people have on the society. I always assimilate the hive ecosystem as a greater society where each and everybody has equal value, with respect to the numbers and quantitative evaluation.


  • Hive As Democracy Model -

I think, most of the thinkers here on Hive would agree with the fact that, rather than centralizing the power of monitoring, execution and operation, hive offers the system of decentralization, that means there would be no sole power center. In one case, I think this is a sublime process, because thats where each and every Hive account would posit the value and power - showing that all of the hivians have their equal decision making and control.

I often found myself and other small accounts worthless of any price, because already the well established and with great and bigger HP accounts can influence, and slot what they wish. But, thats not true in the exact sense. Here is what, this ecosystem consists of #community having pretty different interests and as singular units consist the building block of what #HIVE turns out.
The greater part of the smaller accounts enlarge the surface ares upon which the chain relies.

  • Smaller Accounts -Larger Contributors.

In one case, small accounts produce rapid transactions, starting from the (voting,curating,reblogging and transfering power and value to other accounts etc). Now, these are vital functions which keep the system dynamic and effective. In any society, the bigger class of people are also the part of average class and that creates a balance in society.


The same is for Hive, when the level of interactions are made then particularly more values are being added each day.At the first generation of the chain when it was just in the beginning phase - the number of participants were merely a thousands. Now after 5 years of success and consistent buildup the blockchain expanded and reached to the stage.

This is interesting and when the better governance model is implemented, then vital functioning becomes easy and so as for the users. The privilege of immutability leads to the solidification of one's own voice and presence virtually. It means if a stronger force wants to suppress the weaker opponent, the operation cant be accomplished - because one user can ignore another, not the whole audience.
Thats the power!

I dont know if the other social media giants can provide such features,but people losing interests on facebook as their data's been leaked and privacy policies been broken. Such legal complaints never arose here on HIVE and hopefully wont bother the users. As far as thats ok, the system is secure and out of questions.

Thanks For Reading.

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