Boosting With Ecency Points.

Hello Ecency community, I hope we are all doing very well. It's the beginning of the new week and I would love to join the #Ecencychallenge that has to do with sharing the Ecency features I use often. The challenge is open to everyone and you can learn more about it through the link below.


It is impossible not to fall in love with the Ecency frontend because of the nice interface and the amazing things I can do with the Ecency App. Since I joined Hive, I was advised to use the Ecency frontend which I have always done. There was a particular time when I couldn't use Ecency so I checked out other frontend which was kind of difficult for me to navigate and I had to ask questions on how to do this and that which wasn't the same on Ecency.

Using Ecency, I didn't need anyone to guide me. Every click taught me something and I was able to find my way around easily. The app gives easy access to notifications, checking profiles, writing, wallet and many others. It is more interesting to know from the proposal that more updates are coming to Ecency and we can enjoy smoother features on the app.

Using Ecency can be addictive because of many reasons and we all have different things to say about it. I would still refer to myself as a newbie because I am still learning a lot about Hive even though I joined earlier this year. I haven't been consistent because I lost my phone immediately after I signed up so I have been managing a small one but I will definitely get another one by December that will help me to stay more active on Hive.

I haven't used many features on Ecency but I am very familiar with post boosting. After my little engagement when I was new to Hive, I asked for the usefulness of every coin I saw in my wallet and someone explained to me that I could boost my post with Ecency which sounded interesting to me. This feature is great and many of us find it helpful to boost our tips on Hive since it is not fixed.

I checked how it worked but couldn't use the boost immediately because I didn't have enough so I used the app more and waited until I earned enough to initiate my first boost and it happened just as I was told. Ever since I knew about the boost, I have always used it for my post whenever I have enough points to boost.

I have enjoyed it and will continue to do so. It's like reaping the fruit of my labour because after using the app appropriately, I get rewarded with Ecency points and use them to gain more tips on my post.

Image source: Ecency App.

Thanks for reading.
@xuwi @melinda010100

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