Steering Back On Course With Ease


The spirit of the holiday is still in the air. The air still smells fresh and new, bucket lists are still being checked, and resolutions have become the new religion. Everyone is getting it all together and you can just feel the spirit of growth sprinkled in the air everywhere you go. It is like a contagion that doesn't stop until it infects your soul.

You then get on the high of nesting. You are getting your act together and making plans. You are on the drawing board and you've mapped out your entire path for the year. Now you are all set and you feel it in your bones this time that everything is going to work out as planned..autopilot.

Dusk to dawn, days turn into weeks and months. The adrenaline has slowed down and the euphoria is fading. You hardly notice because life is happening all around you. Until one day it hits you. You see that your ship is headed south. You begin to panic because you've gone off course. Now you are wondering, “How do I steer my ship back?”

No kidding, but I know many of us have felt this way at one time or the other. If I find that I'm already halfway through the year and my plans, affirmations, and resolutions are nowhere near what I envisioned, I would not beat myself about it. There are often a few simple things that I do to put my heart at ease.

Have that talk

Yep! I simply sit with myself and tell the hard truth. It can be a bitter pill to swallow sometimes but you cannot lie to yourself. You need to be able to say, “This is where I messed up, what I did wrong, what I didn't pay attention to, and what I must correct.” This exercise often does these things to me. It reminds me that I'm only human and I must not put unnecessary pressure on myself. It is soothing, healing, and therapeutic.

I seek counsel

Sometimes, what we need to turn things around is a different voice. I like to just talk with a few trusted ones about what's happening and what I can do to make things better. You'd be surprised at the plethora of wisdom, and fresher perspective you can get just from talking. The bonus point is that it gives me that feel-good experience. When I let it out, I feel lighter. You do not know how much weight you carry around until you breathe.

I fix it

By now, I already have everything I need to do to get back on course. I've gone back to the drawing table. I've crossed the Ts and everything is looking good. All I can do is pick up where I left off, pray, stay focused, and become my biggest cheerleader. I'm the one person who knows my strengths and weaknesses. I'm the master of my game and the world is my canvas. I paint whatever picture I want and my life tells the story I want the world to read.

This is my entry to the critical thinker contest by @kenechukwu97. Click the link to know more about this thought-provoking challenge.

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