Ecency User Observations # 1 - The Leaderboard

Hello Hivers! Hope you're all enjoying your weekend. While taking a much needed breather from my studies this weekend, I was confronted by some interesting realizations on the Ecency platform which demanded I publish some personal observations and thoughts about Ecency. I hope these observations will be well received, and also stir debate and significant improvements if necessary.

I've been pondering on the inherent dichotomy of genuine interaction versus the the motivated desire to be ahead on the Ecency Leaderboard or "most active" user. Granted, the Leaderboard and related rewards are an ingenious ingredient to promote activity on the platform. It does however, leave us as the users with the unsavory "spam like" interaction from unknown persons. I call these folks "activity spammers".

Advocating for the condemned, one might point the obvious fact that the user has the prerogative to block any unwanted persons and interactions. Albeit true, this neglects to highlight the tedious admin of sorting users and blocking activity spammers, especially as the platforms grows.
It's often very easy to judge if a user is merely interacting with you for the sake of activity points or if they are genuinely interested in getting to know you. I'm predicting and convinced that there will be a user that will upvote and or comment on this post without actually reading it.

Notwithstanding the above, one must take the opportunity to commend the creators of this platform. It does feel decentralised and uncensored. The interface, both mobile and desktop, is very intuitive and easy on the eyes. I am keen to see the growth of Ecency and the likes as blockchain technology and decentralised apps gains traction with the general public.

The future looks and feels decentralised, and I feel honoured and blessed to be part of the journey.

Thank you for taking the time to read. Would love to hear your thoughts and observations. I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend 😊

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