Respect is Reciprocal

Hello dreemers, wishing everyone a happy new year.
I missed last week's challenge due to some personal reasons but am glad I can meet up this week.
When I saw this prompt I was amazed and found it interesting. Kudos to
@kenechukwukwu for this initiative.
Before any further ado, talk about people's attitudes towards one who is annoying yet they will expect you to apologize.
This made me recall the scenario that happened between me and a woman who was older than me.

I was employed as a class teacher in a private school some years back, after a year of my employment, Mrs Taiwo was also employed as a class teacher but she looks older than every teacher in the school.
The year Mrs Taiwo was employed was the year I was made the Headteacher.

Little did know that Mrs Taiwo became envious of me but I always gave her the respect she deserved due to her age also I came from a tribe that doesn't joke with respect.

image source
It all started one Monday morning during the assembly when a parent was trying to walk through between
the pupils while standing on a straight file. immediately I saw the woman from where I was standing I quickly called out to Mrs Taiwo to stop the parent from passing through the pupils.
To my greatest surprise, Mrs Taiwo's response dumb folded me and everyone.
She said

"You need to be careful the way you command me in this school, I am not your mate you are too small to tell me what to do, and the working experience I have in this teaching job you don't have it".

Then I moved closer to her and said

"With your age and experience in teaching, yet you are an ordinary class teacher"

After this statement, I left her side and she started roaring like a wounded lion.
The director called her and tried to settle our discrepancies. He told me to apologize to Mrs. Taiwo but I refused to apologize to her.
I was able to give different instances where she has shown me a lot of bad characters after I've been appointed as the head teacher which I never mentioned to anyone else.
After all my explanations the director stated it clearly to her that he could see envy in her attitude toward me.
She later admitted to her wrongs.
She then gave me my full respect and I also respected her till I left the school for a better offer.

Here is my response to the Thinkers Corners #dreemport challenge for 2nd week.

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