The resources my Hive Witness node consume to run


Running a node is the easy part of being a Hive witness, the requirements are not that high so almost anyone can run a node. The hard part is making a campaign to get votes because without votes you don't produce blocks, that is the nature of a DPoS blockchain.

In the end I leave a link to vote for me and help me put this node to good use!

Right now I am using a 10 core virtual machine with 60GB of RAM. To keep the node up and running the process consumes 42% of the CPU and over 18GB of RAM memory.

It barely uses any network, and the storage usage is sitting at around 500GB. The faster the better, and it is better to have an unmetered network because if you get a lot of traffic to the node you can go over budget.

I rented this server for 1 year and it still has 8 months to go before I renew. I paid around $400 USD for the 1-year contract, I plan to rent another VPS for another year 1 or 2 months before this one expires so that I can try and see how running more than 1 node works (for redundancy).

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