I started a 100 days of Python coding challenge

I want to grow as a developer. I basically only code JavaScript (and its libraries/frameworks) so my options are limited. I saw a bundle on Udemy that is gonna give me 100 Python programming challenges and I took the deal, it has cost me under $6 USD (under R$30 BRL in my country)


Angela Yu course on Python

I am on vacation from university so I have free time, but the vacation is December and January only, so I am trying to go for 2 or 3 challenges a day, so I can complete the whole course in around 1 to 2 months.

In the beginning, it is as boring as it is easy... I am challenging myself to not skip any class, no matter how beginner it is, and the course starts literally from scratch from people with zero programming knowledge... So yeah, I am bored listening to data types, functions, and variables at 2x speed (to watch faster), but eventually, I hope to catch up to more advanced stuff, where things will become both more fun and challenging.

Let us see if this does anything good for my career! Since I am on vacation from university I had to study something, since being idle is bad.

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