Don't I Have Even an Ounce of It?

We're back home here at our lil kingdom at last! We decided to drive here yesterday evening coming from my niece's wedding. It's been a month, whew! I truly miss this place that I slept so peacefully throughout the night and woke up late this morning. It's pure bliss to be able to stay secluded, away from the noise (honking cars, howling dogs, roaring machines and other stuff). It makes me appreciate this lil space we have on our own.

Meanwhile, Steve's prompt for the week made me ask myself whether I have an ounce of creativity hiding under my skin. Seeing my siblings each having something creative which they are really good at; my nieces, nephews and my immediate cousins with their artworks kind of made me wonder what in the world do I have. When we have get together events or occasions, one topic that often pop up is the "natural talent" which most people in our clan has - art. A few of us who aren't good at it would just say we were sleeping when the Heavens distributed it, hence we missed out, lol!

(One of my niece's doodles. Shared it sometime ago here on Hive.)

Looking back in my childhood, I remember making the walls of our living room my own writing board. Drawing isn't part of it though just doodles of words, my name included. My parents didn't take them away until I was old enough to feel cringy of what I had done, lol! But yeah, the trip down the lane made me realize that creating art isn't in my veins and it's okay. I cannot just force it, or can I?

Well, guess that's just me reasoning out. Of course things can be learnt but I'm just so lazy for my own good. Quite hard to admit but there I said it haha! And I'm not permitting myself enough to explore and let its muse flow and go wild.

Something I read a little while ago mentioned that finding one's creative genius is pretty easy. We just have to do the work, finish it, get feedback, think of ways to improve, do it again tomorrow and repeat the process for 10 years, 20 or more. How Picasso found out his is quite a story, re:


So yeah, maybe mine is just around the corner and I will have to work for years to discover it.

Although sometime ago in my 20s, I did some cross-stitching. Started a few designs but haven't finished any of them. One was completed by my sister and now hangs on our living room wall at the other house. That's all I could remember of me doing something creative.

Perhaps writing could be one because it's what I love doing these days and all I have to do is work harder and find ways to improve and hopefully write a bit more creatively.

Until then, I'll keep going!

Photos as acknowledged above. 13052023/09:55ph

Smile... laugh often... love more... be happy and grateful always!

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