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The impact Of Man's Activities And Control Of Global Warming

80% of global warming is caused by the activities of human beings on the earth.
There are two general ways by man to cause global warming:
Greenhouse effect and;
Depletion of Ozone Layer.
The greenhouse effect can be described as when greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide and water vapor trap and absorb ultraviolet rays in the form of infrared waves. The infrared waves absorbed by gasses radiate within the earth which causes high temperature.

We understand that ozone is a layer above the atmosphere that prevents too much sun (ultraviolet) from reaching us. Ozone do not only prevents human beings from harsh weather, it also prevents all living things both plants and animals. Without the Ozone Layer, the sun may be hotter on the earth's surface.
The activities of man in the land contribute to destruction of, Ozone Layer.
Depletion of the ozone layer is the continuous reduction of Ozone in the atmosphere by some elements such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, etc.
Depletion of ozone layer is caused by the activities of man in the land such as deforestation, industries and activities of man that release chlorofluorocarbons, carbon monoxide hydrocarbons etc to the atmosphere . The following chemical compound comes in contact with the ozone layer and destroys it. When the ozone layer is destroyed, high ultra-violet is released to the earth.
The effects of high ultraviolet rays can be unbearable to man and other living things.
Too much ultraviolet rays can cause diseases such as cancer, skin diseases, sunburn etc.
For me, too much exposure of my body to the sun causes sunburn and itches.

Both greenhouse effect and depletion of ozone layer caused global warming.
To conclude this part, global warming is the continuous increase in the temperature of the earth which is caused by depletion of the ozone layer and the greenhouse effect.

Control Of Global Warming
The only thing we can do right now is to think about the solution to reduce or curb global warming.
The following can be done to control global warming:
Strict policy intervention
The hardest things to control are human beings. It is very easy to control animals but humans are very difficult to control.
We don't want to be governed by laws; there are laws everywhere in the world but we tend to break the laws.
Our government did not allow deforestation but we have our ways of manipulating everything in our favor. This is the reason some people go to the government reserve area and cut all the trees for his benefits.
There is an agenda of ‘more than a tree should be planted in a house'. But, we preferred to use the land to build houses. That is the reason there is no space from one house to another; even people built houses close to a road when the government said, before you build a house on a road side, you should leave certain meters away from the road. We preferred to build a house than live in a conducive environment.
There was a house I stayed in Lagos some years ago; we turned on our generator from 10pm to 5 pm in the morning every day because of the heat. You can hardly see a tree in a compound.
The government should make the laws effective if we want to control global warming.
Conservation of Energy
Thank God for technology! Tesla has produced electric cars; our government should encourage citizens to use electric cars so that emission of carbon monoxide can be reduced. There is solar energy that can Power all the home appliances instead of using generators. The solar energy is very affordable to get, there are generators that are more expensive than some of these solar. Imagine numbers of people that are using electric cars and solar to power up their appliances are more than the numbers of people that are using fossil fuel cars and generators. The temperature will drastically decrease in such area.
Therefore, conservation of energy can help to decrease the temperature that causes global warming.

Planting of trees is very important, trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.
If a large scale of trees absorb carbon dioxide, the rate of carbon dioxide in an environment will greatly reduce; and oxygen will greatly increase.
The government should force individuals to plant at least one tree rather than telling them.

I stand up for success, and success is not achieved by merely making mouth, No room for laziness, no room for idleness. Success comes to the people who are desperately and consciously searching for it. When it seems unsuccessful or you smell failure around you, never discourage yourself from being successful.
“Discouragement and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success.” - Dale.

This is #aprilinleo day 22