AZL Index: Schedule

This is more for myself than anything, but I wanted to have a plan so I’m not over or under posting all the time, but holding to that means I will need a quick reference to pull up when determining whether to post immediately or schedule for later…this, is that reference.

1stName That Tune Contest
8thCar Fluting
15thUke Can Do It!
22ndName That Tune Winner Announcement
29thIndex UpdatesThis is here as a place holder. I’m going to try to do index updates during the last week of every month…we’ll see how that goes.

So the days above are for scheduled posts. All other days are fair game to post manually…at least, that’s the plan. I’ve got some posts still scheduled from before that won’t follow this model, but by year-end this should be fully in place.

Thanks for checking out some more of my work! As always, I hope you enjoyed witnessing as much as I enjoyed creating!

© Photos and words by @albuslucimus, except where otherwise indicated.


If you enjoy my content, check out the Albus Index!

Here you’ll find links to various post-groupings, so you can find all posts related to a specific topic quickly. Topics include lists of brewing recipes, flutes, crypto talks, rucking posts and an index of all acoustic covers. The lists are updated as new content is added, so they can always be used to quickly navigate my content.



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